Translation of the song Wanna Love You Again artist 2PM

English, Korean

Wanna Love You Again

English translation

Wanna Love You Again

Baby my honey 지난 날을 기억해

Baby my honey, remember the past days

니 머릿결을 쓸어 올려주던 순간의 나를

When I brushed back your hair

녹아드는 느낌에 난

It felt like I was melting,

시간이 멈추는 듯 했었지

felt like time stopped

Oh 잊을 수 없는 내가 있잖아 이렇게 No

I can’t forget, I’m right here, no

I just wanna love you again

I just wanna love you again

Please come back to me girl

Please come back to me girl

I want you baby 내 머릿속에서

I want you baby

떠나지 않아 그만 하고 싶어

You won’t leave my head, I wanna stop

I just wanna love you again

I just wanna love you again

Please come back to me girl

Please come back to me girl

We just broke up but we need each other

We just broke up but we need each other

돌아와줘 너도 나와 같잖아

Come back to me, you feel the same way

Come Closer Touch my lips. Hug my chest

Come Closer Touch my lips. Hug my chest

니 맘이 가는 대로 해

Listen to your heart

녹아 드는 느낌에 난

It felt like I was melting,

시간이 멈추는 듯 했었지

felt like time stopped

Oh 빠져들어가 점점 더 너에게 이렇게 Oh

I’m falling more and more for you again

I just wanna love you again

I just wanna love you again

Please come back to me girl

Please come back to me girl

I want you baby 내 머릿속에서

I want you baby

떠나지 않아 그만 하고 싶어

You won’t leave my head, I wanna stop

I just wanna love you again

I just wanna love you again

Please come back to me girl

Please come back to me girl

We just broke up but we need each other

We just broke up but we need each other

돌아와줘 너도 나와 같잖아

Come back to me, you feel the same way

너와 함께 했던 시간 마다

All the times I spent with you

너와 나누었던 기억들 산산

All the memories I shared with you

조각이 났듯이 babe its meant to be

It’s like they’re broken now, babe it’s meant to be

Maybe 여기까지 일지도 모르겠다는 상상

Maybe this is it,

모든걸 함께하던 우리 둘만이 생활이

everything we did together

이렇게무너져버릴 수밖에 없다는 현실이

In reality, it’s all falling apart

믿기지가 않는다는 아직 사랑하고 있을 거라는

I can’t believe it, I still love you

그런 나만의 믿음을 버리지마 돌아와

Don’t throw my faith away, come back

I just wanna love you again

I just wanna love you again

Please come back to me girl

Please come back to me girl

I want you baby 내 머릿속에서

I want you baby

떠나지 않아 그만 하고 싶어

You won’t leave my head, I wanna stop

I just wanna love you again

I just wanna love you again

Please come back to me girl

Please come back to me girl

We just broke up but we need each other

We just broke up but we need each other

돌아와줘 너도 나와 같잖아

Come back to me, you feel the same way

너도 나와 같잖아나와 같잖아

You feel the same way

I just wanna tell you I still love you

I just wanna tell you I still love you

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