Translation of the song Klan (Spanish Version) artist Mahmood
Klan (Spanish Version)
[Verso 1]
[verse 1]
Te digo que el amor es como el crimen nunca paga
I tell you that love is like a crime, it never pays
Yo sigo cometiéndolo por plata
I keep committing it for money
Eres mis ojos en la nuca si hay redada
You are my eyes on the back of my neck if there's raid
Te quiero si me matas
I love you if you kill me
Por mi sobre mi gente
For myself, above my people
Te doy la vida a muerte
I give you the life until death
Otro beso en la frente
Another kiss on the forehead
A la familia no se miente
One shouldn't lie to the family
Lárgate, lárgate, lárgate
Get out, get out, get out
Que ya está controlada la zona
That the zone is already under control
Lárgate, lárgate, lárgate
Get out, get out, get out
Golden Hour Daytona
Golden Hour Daytona
Es así
It's like that
Si dispara no hago nada
If she shoots I do nothing
No recuerdo que vi
I don't remember that I saw
Por las balas es de ya de madrugada
Because of the bullets, it's already dawn
Por mí
For me
Me еquipes la calle
Set up the street
De los quе nunca duermen
Where they never sleep
Y hacen que no calle
And they don't let it be quiet
La noche, la noche, la noche, la noche, la noche
The night, the night, the night, the night
La noche, la noche, la noche, la noche, la noche
The night, the night, the night, the night
In due siamo un klan
The two of us are a klan
La noche, la noche, la noche, la noche, la noche
The night, the night, the night, the night
La noche
The night
In due siamo un klan
The two of us are a klan
[Verso 2]
[verse 2]
No creo que sea manera de llegar hasta nirvana
I don't believe it to be a way to reach nirvana
Teniendo el culo sobre un fuoristrada
Having the ass on an off-road
Apúntame mirándome a la cara
Aim at me while looking at my face
Que tu pistola está trucada
That your gun is rigged
De los bloques a la Forbes
Due to the blocks on Forbes
Sacarán oro del cobre
They will extract gold from copper
El sol baja al horizonte
The sun goes down to the horizon
Sigue todo como siempre
Everything goes as always
Lárgate, lárgate, lárgate
Get out, get out, get out
Que ya está controlada la zona
That the zone is already under control
Lárgate, lárgate, lárgate
Get out, get out, get out
Golden Hour Daytona
Golden Hour Daytona
Es así
It's like that
Si dispara no hago nada
If she shoots I do nothing
No recuerdo que vi
I don't remember that I saw
Por las balas es de ya de madrugada
Because of the bullets, it's already dawn
Por mí
For me
Me еquipes la calle
Set up the street
De los quе nunca duermen
Where they never sleep
Y hacen que no calle
And they don't let it be quiet
La noche, la noche, la noche, la noche, la noche, la noche, la noche, la noche, la noche, la noche
The night, the night, the night, the night, the night, the night, the night, the night, the night, the night
In due siamo un klan
The two of us are a klan
La noche, la noche, la noche, la noche, la noche, la noche, la noche
The night, the night, the night, the night, the night, the night, the night
In due siamo un klan
The two of us are a klan
[?] dándole gas a fondo con la TMax
Giving gas all out with the Tmax
Sabes lo que hay
You know what there is
Cómo se hace para entrar en mi klan
How it's done to get in my klan
No servirá tatuarte la cara y poner la esquina
It won't work tattooing your face and hiding in the corner
Sabes lo que hay
You know what there is
Cómo se hace para entrar en mi klan
How it's done to get in my klan
Es así
It's like that
Si dispara no hago nada
If she shoots I do nothing
No recuerdo que vi
I don't remember that I saw
Por las balas es de ya de madrugada
Because of the bullets, it's already dawn
Por mí
For me
Me еquipes la calle
Set up the street
De los quе nunca duermen
Where they never sleep
Y hacen que no calle
And they don't let it be quiet
La noche, la noche, la noche, la noche, la noche, la noche, la noche, la noche, la noche, la noche
The night, the night, the night, the night, the night, the night, the night, the night, the night, the night
In due siamo un klan
The two of us are a klan
La noche, la noche, la noche, la noche, la noche, la noche
The night, the night, the night, the night, the night, the night
In due siamo un klan
The two of us are a klan
La noche, la noche, la noche, la noche, la noche, la noche
The night, the night, the night, the night, the night, the night
In due siamo un klan
The two of us are a klan
La noche, la noche, la noche, la noche, la noche, la noche
The night, the night, the night, the night, the night, the night
In due siamo un klan
The two of us are a klan
Klan, klan
Klan, klan
In due siamo un klan, klan, klan
The two of us are a klan, klan, klan
In due siamo un klan
The two of us are a klan
In due siamo un klan, klan, klan
The two of us are a klan, klan, klan
In due siamo un klan
The two of us are a klan