Translation of the song Soldi (Spanish Remix) artist Mahmood

Spanish, Arabic, Italian

Soldi (Spanish Remix)

English translation

Money (Spanish Remix)

[Strofa 1: Mahmood]

[Verse 1: Mahmood]

In periferia fa molto caldo

It's very hot in the suburbs

Mamma stai tranquilla, sto arrivando

Mom, stay calm, I'm on my way home

Te la prenderai per un bugiardo

You'll be upset by a liar

Ti sembrava amore ma era altro

It seemed like love to you, but it was something else

Beve champagne sotto Ramadan

He's drinking champagne during Ramadan

Alla TV danno Jackie Chan

On TV they're airing Jackie Chan

Fuma narghilè, mi chiede come va

Smoking shisha, he asks me how it's going

[Pre-Ritornello: Mahmood]

[Pre-chorus: Mahmood]

Mi chiede come va, come va, come va

He asks me how it's going, how it's going, how it's going

Sai già come va, come va, come va

You already know how it's going, how it's going, how it's going

Penso più veloce per capire se domani tu mi fregherai

I think faster to understand if tomorrow you're going to fool me

Non ho tempo per chiarire perché solo ora so cosa sei

I have no time to clear things up because I only now know what you are

È difficile stare al mondo

It's hard to exist in this world

Quando perdi l'orgoglio

When you lose your pride

Lasci casa in un giorno

You leave home in one day

Tu dimmi se

Tell me if

[Ritornello 1: Mahmood]

[Chorus 1: Mahmood]

Pensavi solo ai soldi, soldi

You were only thinking about money, money

Come se avessi avuto soldi, soldi

As if you had any money, money

Dimmi se ti manco o te ne fotti, fotti

Tell me if you miss me or don't give a fuck, fuck

Mi chiedevi come va, come va, come va

You were asking me how it's going, how it's going, how it's going

Adesso come va, come va, come va

Now how it's going, how it's going, how it's going

[Strofa 2: Maikel Delacalle]

[Verse 2: Maikel Delacalle]

Si esto tiene un precio dime cuánto

If this has a price, tell me how much

El dinero no vale pa' tanto

Money isn't worth that much

Aprendí, si caigo me levanto

I learned that if I fall, I'll get up

Me busqué mi nombre en el asfalto

I was searching for my name on the asphalt

Que cómo me va buscándomela ya que nadie la da

How am I going to find myself if nobody gives it to you

Nadie te va a dar lo que quieres tener, no

No one's going to give you what you want, no

Nadie te va a dar lo que quieres tener, bro'

No one's going to give you what you want, bro

[Pre-Ritornello: Maikel Delacalle]

[Pre-chorus: Maikel Delacalle]

Todos pensando en dinero

Everybody's thinking about money

Eso le pasa a to' el mundo

This happens all around the world

Siempre lo ponen primero

They always put it first

Y el amor del segundo

And love second

[Ritornello 2: Mahmood & Maikel Delacalle]

[Chorus 2: Mahmood & Maikel Delacalle]

Volevi solo soldi, soldi

You only wanted money, money

Come se avessi avuto soldi, soldi

As if you had any money, money

Prima mi parlavi fino a tardi, tardi

Before, you used to talk to me until it was late, late

Preguntan cómo va, cómo va, cómo va

They ask how it's going, how it's going, how it's going

Preguntan cómo va, cómo va, cómo va

They ask how it's going, how it's going, how it's going

[Bridge: Mahmood]

[Bridge: Mahmood]

ولدي, ولدي, حبيبي تعال هنا

My son, my son, my love, come here

Mi dicevi giocando, giocando con aria fiera

You'd say to me, playing, playing with an air of pride

sembrava vera ولدي, ولدي, حبيبي

My son, my son, my love, it seemed genuine

La voglia, la voglia di tornare come prima

I want to, I want to return to how it was before

[Pre-Ritornello: Mahmood]

[Pre-chorus: Mahmood]

Io da te non ho voluto soldi

I didn't want money from you

È difficile stare al mondo

It's hard to exist in this world

Quando perdi l'orgoglio

When you lose your pride

Lasci casa in un giorno

You leave home in one day

Tu dimmi se

Tell me if

[Ritornello 3: Mahmood]

[Chorus 3: Mahmood]

Volevi solo soldi, soldi

You only wanted money, money

Come se avessi avuto soldi, soldi

As if you had any money, money

Lasci la città ma nessuno lo sa

You leave the city, but nobody knows

Ieri eri qua, ora dove sei papà?

Yesterday you were here, where are you now, dad?

Mi chiedi come va, come va, come va

You ask me how it's going, how it's going, how it's going

Sai già come va, come va, come va

You already know how it's going, how it's going, how it's going

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