Translation of the song Уебан artist Leningrad



English translation


У него очки Ray-Ban,

He's wearing the Ray-Ban sunglasses,

и штаны заужены

And has narrowed trousers on

Он забавный уебан,

He's a funny ueban,

в голову контуженный

With his contused head

Кепку натяну на жбан,

I'll put my cap on my jar,

а на кепку капюшон

And a hood over my cap,

А он забавный уебан,

But he's a funny ueban,

но вместо хуя корнишон

But a gherkin instead of the dick

Он забавный уебан,

He's a funny ueban,

ни уму ни сердцу

Neither brain nor heart

Я его отправлю в бан,

I'll send him in the bathroom,

да пошел он на хуй!

Let him sit on any dick!

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