Translation of the song ترا حقي artist Dalia
ترا حقي
It's my right
ترا حقي من أفكر بيك
It's my right to think about you
وأشغل بيك تفكيري
And put you into my mind all the time
بهالدنيا بعد ماعيش
I won't be able to live
من اتفكر ابغيري
If you are thinking of someone else
تخيل لو عليه اتغيب
Could you imagine that if you left me
وننهي حبنا ونتركه
And our love was over,
العالم ينتهي ويصير
Life will end and become
عالم ماكو بي ضحكة
A life without joy?
شنو رأيك وصلت الحد
And more than that, I reached to the extent that
صرت عايش ابشخصيتك
I'm now living my life just like you do
وأبوس البخت اللي بيوم
I'm so glad with my destiny which
جابك إلي وحبيتك
Brought you to me someday
أبعدك عن عيون الناس
I always hide you from people
وتركك تنسجن بيه
And trap you inside me
غرامك غيرالعادات
Your love changed me
علمني الأنانية
It taught me how to be selfish
بحبك صرت أسوي أشياء
Because of your love l began to do things
ولا اتخيلت أسويها
I've never imagined myself to do
بعمري ما حظنت اثياب
Taking clothes in my arms isn't something I've done before
أصلاً صرت أحاجيها
Now, I even talk to them
صوتك آه لو بيدي
Only if I can, I want your voice
ما أخلي أحد يسمعه
Not to be heared by someone else
أعشقنك عشق مجنون
I have a huge love for you
حاول تفتهم وضعه
Just try to understand that