Translation of the song ساقك الله artist Dalia
ساقك الله
God has brought you forth
ساقك الله للوطن نبض وعيون
God has brought you forth for the fatherland, to be its heartbeat and its eyes
وابتدا عهد جديد يلمنا
And has instated a new era to bring us together
جيت تبنينا وبآمالك نكون
You have come to build us up, and with your aspirations we attain,
فوق هام السحب تضوي شمسنا
That our sun may shine above the orbit of clouds*
سر بنا نحو القمم يا فجرنا
Take us forward towards the summits, O our dawn
قايد الامه ولو هم يزعلون
Leader of the Nation, even if they take exception to it
شايل في وسط ععينك حلمنا
You carry our dream in the midst of your eyes
يا محمد كلنا ليديك عون
O Mohammed, we are all aids to your hands
سر بنا نحو القمم يا فجرنا
Take us forward towards the summits, O our dawn
في يمينك عزم يطويه هالظنون
In your right hand is determination that casts away those doubts
في يسارك حزم يحفظ عمرنا
And in your left is stricture that keeps our lives safe
انت ياللي في ذراك نشوف كون
You, in whose peaks, we glimpse a universe
معك نمشي ما كرهنا دربنا
We walk along with you, content with our path
لا تحاكوا عنك قلنا يحلمون
If they talk ill of you, we say they are dreaming
الحكي ان مازادنا ما ضرنا
Talk that doesn't help us, can't hurt us
ربع قدرك فينا والله ما يجون
By God, they can't even attain a fourth of your esteem among us
ياللي غيومك تظلل ارضنا
You, whose clouds provide the shade for our land.