Translation of the song هذا اليوم artist Dalia
هذا اليوم
This is a day
هذا اليوم ماحبه
This is a day I'm not fond of
الي بي ذكره موحلوه
I have a memory relating to it, that isn't a good one
فارقني اعز الناس
The dearest of people deserted me
ولو فارقني بالگوه
Yes, and he did it without asking*
ويلي ويلي ياهوه
Woe be me, woe be me, O infatuation of mine,
حالي واحنه موسوه
The state I'm in when we're not together
ويلي شيرجعني وياااه
Woe be me, what can I do to get back together with him?
لو مفارقني العمر
If he's deserted me for a lifetime
ولا هيجي انكسر
The moment he comes back, I'd break down
عافني المااقدر انسااه
I was forsaken by the one I can't forget
ااه چم ااااه
Oh, so many Oh's
ع ذكرااه
(I say) to his memory
بسبب فرگااه
Because of his desertion
قلبي يوجعني
My heart is in pain
ااه والف ااه
Oh, a thousand Oh's
روحي ويااه
My soul goes out to him
وين الكااه
Where do I go to meet him?
افراقه ضيعني
His desertion has left me adrift
الاخر يوم من عمري
To the last day of my life,
ولا راح انسه حنيـته
I will never forget his tenderness
يظل ابعمري اول حب
He is going to remain the first love in my life
واخر بشر حبيـته
And my last love amongst the mortals**
ارجع ارجع ياوكت
Turn around, turn around, Time
خل اشوفه مو متت
Let me see him just so I know he's alive*
اوف كون اترد الاياام
If only the days could turn back
حالتي يرثى لهاا
I'm in a piteous state
روحي مخنوگه بلاا
Without him, my soul is suffocating
الاحبه تالي ماداام
There is nobody for me to love any more*
كان ماكاان
Once upon a time*
بالنفس كاان
In my soul, there used to reside
اغلى انساان
The dearest of all people
راح من عنـدي
He's departed and left me
كان ماكاان
Once upon a time*
همي كبران
My turmoil is great
قلبي تعباان
My heart is spent
ودمعتي ابخدي
My tear is on my cheek
واه جم اه على ذكراى سبب فرگاه قلبي يوجعني
And Oh, so many Oh's, (I say) to his memory! Because of his desertion, my heart is in pain.
افكر بي نهار وليل
I think about him day and night
ابد ماغاب عن بالي
He's never been off my mind
من الشوق والتفكير
All the yearning and the contemplation
هاي اشصاير ابحالي
Look what it has done to me!*
حيلي حيلي منتهي
My strength, my strength is at an end
موهذاك الأؤلي
This is not what I used to be like*
وضعي ميطمن بليااه
My condition without him is cause for concern*
تالي ماتالي العشگ
After everything we've been through, our love
ايظيع فجأه ونفترگ
Vanishes, all at once, and we go our separate ways
وماكوشي يجمعني ويااه
And nothing brings us together
راح اي رااح
He's gone, yes, gone
اليمه ارتااح
He's sleeping on his side now*
دمعي ماطااح
My tears did not fall
بس ع اغيابه
Just for his absence
راح اي راح
He's gone, yes, gone
وحبه ماراح
And his love is not gone
ينملي اجرااح
May he be riddled with wounds
الفارگ احبابه
He who deserts the ones who love him
واه جم اه على ذكراى بسبب فرگاه قلبي يوجعني
And Oh, so many Oh's, (I say) to his memory! Because of his desertion, my heart is in pain.