Esi taip toli, bet tavo širdy kvėpuoju
You are so far, but I breathe in your heart,
Juk ant rankų laikei, laimės linkėjai, kartojai
For you held me in your hands, wished me luck, repeated:
To e-e-e-embrace
To užteko man
It was enough for me
To e-e-e-embrace
Vis sakai, kad norėtum sugrįžt į tas dienas
You still say that you'd like to go back to those days
Kur jauni
When we were young
Jei galėčiau grąžinčiau tau visas dienas
If I could, I'd give all of those days back to you.
Ilgai gyveni ir savo šviesą aukoji
You live long and offer your light,
Ašarą brauki, liūdnom akim man kartoji
Wiping a tear you repeat:
To e-e-e-embrace
To užteko man
It was enough for me
To e-e-e-embrace
Vis sakai, kad norėtum sugrįžt į tas dienas
You still say that you'd like to go back to those days
Kur jauni
When we were young
Jei galėčiau grąžinčiau tau visas dienas
If I could, I'd give all of those days back to you.
Esi taip toli ir tavo širdy kvėpuoju
You are so far, and I breathe in your heart,
Juk ant rankų laikei, laimės linkėjai, kartojai
For you held me in your hands, wished me luck, repeated:
To e-e-e-embrace
To užteko man
It was enough for me
To e-e-e-embrace