Translation of the song Mame mi artist Devito
Mame mi
Swear on my mother
- Misliš da ćemo mi da najebemo?
- You think we're gonna get fucked?
- A šta ti misliš? Stiže avion pun koke, a mi treba da je vozimo
- Huh, what do you think? There's a plane full of coke coming, and we're the ones who are supposed to take it
Mame mi, oko mene samo dileri i šaneri
Swear on my mother, bunch of plugs around me
Voze Range-a, Bembare i Audi
Cruising around in Ranges, BMWs, and Audis
Lude kučke, tebra, sve to karô bih
These hoes are mad, dude, I'd bang them all
Ali samo gasiram ih, mame mi
But I'm just fucking with 'em, swear on my mother
Oko mene samo dileri i šaneri
Bunch of plugs around me
Voze Range-a, Bembare i Audi
Cruising around in Ranges, BMWs, and Audis
Lude kučke, tebra, sve to karô bih
These hoes are mad, dude, I'd bang them all
Ali samo gasiram ih, mame mi
But I'm just fucking with 'em, swear on my mother
[Strofa 1]
[Verse 1]
Treba ti ljubav ili zabava?
Are you down for love or fun?
Sve probleme rešićemo parama (Ške, škе)
We'll solve all our problems with money (Bucks, bucks)
Nisam sam, uvek okružen sam glavama
I'm not alone, always surrounded by my bros
Ne moram da sе zamaram s budalama
Don't gotta bother with these idiots
Od glave do pete u markiranim stvarima
From head to toe, I'm wearing expensive shit
Imam sve račune, ako te zanima
I got all the bills, if you're interested
U gepeku devize - trošimo ih danima
Foreign currencies in the trunk - keep spending them for days
A južni vetar zavija
And the south wind is howling
Mame mi, oko mene samo dileri i šaneri
Swear on my mother, bunch of plugs around me
Voze Range-a, Bembare i Audi
Cruising around in Ranges, BMWs, and Audis
Lude kučke, tebra, sve to karô bih
These hoes are mad, dude, I'd bang them all
Ali samo gasiram ih, mame mi
But I'm just fucking with 'em, swear on my mother
Oko mene samo dileri i šaneri
Bunch of plugs around me
Voze Range-a, Bembare i Audi
Cruising around in Ranges, BMWs, and Audis
Lude kučke, tebra, sve to karô bih
These hoes are mad, dude, I'd bang them all
Ali samo gasiram ih, mame mi
But I'm just fucking with 'em, swear on my mother
[Strofa 2]
[Verse 2]
Ne znam našim putem da l' smeš
I'm not sure if you could go our way
Svakog dana se obrće keš
Lots of cash going through every day
Za nove ljude, srce je led (Ice, ice)
For all new people, my heart is cold (Ice, ice)
Al' stari tu su, zauvek moj gang (Bang, bang)
But the old ones are still here, forever my gang (Bang, bang)
Prošô mnogo toga, sve je iza nas
I've been through a lot, everything is behind us now
Gde su drugi stali, ja sam stisô gas
Where others stopped, I stepped on the gas
Život med i mleko, tebra, verujem da znaš
Life is like honey and milk, broski, I believe you know
Nemoj da se gasiraš (Gas)
Stop fucking around (gas)
Mame mi, oko mene samo dileri i šaneri
Swear on my mother, bunch of plugs around me
Voze Range-a, Bembare i Audi
Cruising around in Ranges, BMWs, and Audis
Lude kučke, tebra, sve to karô bih
These hoes are mad, dude, I'd bang them all
Ali samo gasiram ih, mame mi
But I'm just fucking with 'em, swear on my mother
Oko mene samo dileri i šaneri
Bunch of plugs around me
Voze Range-a, Bembare i Audi
Cruising around in Ranges, BMWs, and Audis
Lude kučke, tebra, sve to karô bih
These hoes are mad, dude, I'd bang them all
Ali samo gasiram ih, mame mi
But I'm just fucking with 'em, swear on my mother