Translation of the song Geberesice artist Demet Akalın
Drop dead!(I hope you will die!)
Kal geride kandım bir kere
Stay behind, i was fooled once
Zalim sözüne tövbe
By your cruel promises,but no more!
Bak hele diller bir karış
Look how impudent you are.
Övmüş mü beni sözde
Did you just 'so-called' praise me?( Its clear you did not.)
Gülle dikenle geçer mi zaman
Does time pass with roses and thornes?
Zille köçekle avunduk aman
We are consoled with bells and köçek* , oh dear!
Salla o yana bu yana kıvır
Shake your hips side to side and twist.(She means her lover gives everybody the green light)
Varsa nasipte bize de kalır
If ı am lucky enough I would have some of you as well.
Havası yıkılası çalım içinde
You are glitzy and with swagger.
Deli ediyor beni tuhaf biçimde
It makes me crazy in a strange way.
Ağzının üstüne vurasım var ama
I would like to pound upon your mouth.
Oradan da bal akıyor geberesice
But from your mouth drips honey.