Translation of the song Pasta artist Demet Akalın
cake 2010
Tebrikler yilin en kötü çifti yine biz seçildik
congradulations, we've been chosen the worst couple of the year!
Senin de bunda bi hayli payin var
and you have contibuted to it a LOT
Al gel bi pasta kutlayalim
get a cake and let's celebrate
Heryerde farkli dillerde düstügümüz komik durum
the funny situation we got ourselves into is everywhere, in different languages
Bunda da hayli bir emegin var
you've tried hard for it
Altini çizerim unutmayalim
let's highlight and not forget it
Bu bebege hikaye anlatilir mi
you can't tell stories to this baby
Öyle kolay kolay atlatilir mi
you can't get over things so easily
Göz göre göre göre aldatilir mi
you can't cheat so openly
Olmaz e tabiki olmaz
there's no way you can!
Ortada birçok gerçek var
the truth is right in front of us
Hepsi de belgeli kaçamaklar
i've got evidence, too
Bi ara yollarim adresine
i'll send them to you sometime,
Ama izninle simdi çok isim var
not now, i've got business to attend to
Üfledigim anda söneceksin
you will go out the moment i puff on you
Beni sadece rüyanda göreceksin
dreams are the only way you'll get to see me
Emin ol en mutlu günümde
trust me, on my happiest days
En arka siradan izleyeceksin
you'll be watching from the furthest row in the back!