Translation of the song Ja trebam mir! (That's All I Need) artist The Lion King 1½ (OST)


Ja trebam mir! (That's All I Need)

English translation

I need peace! (That's All I Need)

To ne zvuči loše

That doesn't sound bad

Trgni, njuši, briši! [x4]

Scurry, sniff, flinch! [x4]1

Zar život mora boljet

Does life have to hurt

Kad netko te smaže u slast?

When someone gobbles you up?

Teško ćeš okus moj zavoljet

You'll find it hard to enjoy my taste

Jer ovaj će gablec teško past

Because this brunch won't go down easily

Nek' drugi kopa tunele

Let someone else dig tunnels

Potražit ću novi nivo

I will look for another level

Nek' drugi marljivo rade ko' pčele

Let others work hard like bees

Jer meni je od sveg tog zlo

Because all that makes me sick

Zapamti, Štef, sad sam ja svoj šef...

Remember, Štef, now I'm my own boss...

Jasno je ko' dan, taj momak zna bonton

It's clear as day, that boy knows good etiquette

Jer on je bonvivan sa naglaskom na bon

Because he is a bon vivant with the emphasis on bon

Ja mrzim sunčev sjaj, nek' pijesak nosi vrag

I hate sunshine, sand can go to heck2

U zelen želim gaj gdje piri lahor blag

I want to go to the green grove where there is a light breeze

Daj neki potok gdje ću drijemati, piti sok

Give me a stream by which I will nap, drink juice

I oprostit se od kopanja na dulji rok

And say goodbye to digging for a long time

Od živciranja se lako može dobit čir

Nervousness can easily give you an ulcer

Ja trebam mir! Ja trebam mir!

I need peace! I need peace!

Ja bježah ko' lud na najmanji šum

I used to run at the slightest noise

A danas vodim čitav šou

But today I run the entire show

Jer sirovu snagu pobjeđuje um

Because the mind beats raw strength

Moj status više nije quo

My status is no longer quo

Baš kao u snu

Just like in a dream

Gadovi su tu....

The scoundrels are here...

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