Translation of the song The Lion Sleeps Tonight (Danish) artist The Lion King 1½ (OST)


The Lion Sleeps Tonight (Danish)

English translation

The Lion Sleeps Safely



Arh, så la' gå. En tur mere forandrer nok ik' vores liv.

Arh, all right. One more time will probably not change our lives.







Hvem ve' hvorfor skæbnen førte os hen til lille Simba den dag. Måske var det bare min eventyrlyst. Eller mit medfødte mod. Den tapre og frygtløse måde, hvorpå j.. OKAY, HVEM STYRER DE STILBILLEDER DER!

Who knows why fate led us to little Simba that day. Maybe it was just my adventurous spirit. Or my innate courage. The brave and fearless way in which I.. OKAY, WHO CONTROLS THOSE STILL IMAGES!







Nå, men altså: at redde lille Simba gik som en leg. Men så kom det virk'lig skræmmende ved det hele: Forældrerollen!

Well, but then: saving little Simba went like a breeze. But then came the really scary about the whole thing: The parenting role!

[Kor (Synger hver gang nede under dialogen):]

[Choir (Sings every time during the dialogue):]

Her i junglen, den dybe jungle, ka' løven sove trygt. Her i junglen, den dybe jungle, ka' løven sove trygt.

Here in the jungle, the deep jungle, the lion can sleep safely. Here in the jungle, the deep jungle, the lion can sleep safely.



Timon, Timon, TIMON!

Timon, Timon, TIMON!



Ah, årh....

Ah, uh...



Jeg ska' noget.

I have to do something.



Noget? Hva' for noget?

Something? What something?



Du ved, noget MEGET!

You know, something A LOT!



Nå, noget. Hvo'for sagde du ikke bare det med det samme? Kom hurtig'. Når man ska', så ska' man.

Well, something. Why didn't you just say that right away? Quickly When you gotta go, you gotta go

Unge løve, kom så ned derfra!

Young lion, come down from there now!



Whohooo! Sådan! Hey, I ligner nogen myrer dernede!

Whohooo! Great!1 Hey, you guys look like ants down there!



Jeg tæller til tre.

I'll count to three.








Oh-oh ..



En, to... tre

One two... three



Her i junglen, den dybe jungle, ka' løven sove trygt.

Here in the jungle, the deep jungle, the lion can sleep safely.







Hva.. Igen?

Wha.. Again?



Nej, jeg er tørstig

No, I'm thirsty



Du ve' godt at det her betyder at du så ska' op igen om to timer ik`?

You know that this means you'll be up again in two hours, right?



Hold ud Simba, jeg redder dig!

Hang on Simba, I'll save you!








Uaaaaahhhhh ...



Her i junglen, den dybe jungle....

Here in the jungle, the deep jungle....







Man bli'r gammel før tid af det her...

One gets old prematurely from this...



Her i junglen, den dy...

Here in the jungle, the de...







Wah! Hvad er det, du har imod begrebet en go' nats søvn hva'?

Wah! What is it that you have against the concept of a good night's sleep huh?



Det er bare fordi jeg øh, jeg havde mareridt

It's just because I uh, I had nightmares



Nåh... jam' øh...

Well... then uh...



Hmp.. det var ik' mig

Hmp .. it wasn't me



Junior der har haft mareridt

Junior there has had nightmares



Nååh, hvorfor sover du så ikke herovre ved os?

Well, why don't you sleep over here with us?



Min Pumba er din Pumba

My Pumba is your Pumba







For løven sover trygt. Tys, min egen, vær ikke bange, for løven sover trygt

Because the lion sleeps safely. Hush, my dear, don't be afraid, because the lion sleeps safely




Good night



Sov godt

Sleep well



Og drøm sødt om biller i nat

And dream sweetly about beetles tonight

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