Translation of the song Algo duele más artist Natalia Lacunza
Algo duele más
Something hurts more
I would like you
I would like you
to forget me for awhile
to forget me for awhile
I just wanna drown
I just wanna drown
I just wanna get drunk
I just wanna get drunk
I don't wanna be
I don't wanna be
what I'm supposed to be
what I'm supposed to be
And I can't barely feel a thing.
And I can barely feel a thing.
But you
But you
You're always so pleased
You're always so pleased
You're always so happy
You're always so happy
I just wanna kill you
I just wanna kill you
I don't understand how
I don't understand how
Nunca sé si lo he hecho bien o mal
I never know if I've done it well or not
no sé en qué me he convertido
I don't know what I've turned into
Me cuesta respirar
I find it difficult to breathe
pensaba q sería divertido
I thought it would be fun
pero solo me sale llorar
But I can only cry
Clavo mis pies en lo terrenal
I stick my feet into what is earthly
pero mi mente empieza a levitar
But my mind begins to levitate
caminando por las nubes
Walking through the clouds
no todavia no me quiero bajar
No, for now I don't want to go down
Pero algo duele más
But something hurts more
algo duele más
Something hurts more
y nunca se va
And it never leaves
algo duele más
Something hurts more
algo duele más
Something hurts more
I would like you
I would like you
to forget me for awhile
to forget me for awhile
I just wanna drown
I just wanna drown
I just wanna get drunk
I just wanna get drunk
I don't wanna be
I don't wanna be
what I'm supposed to be
what I'm supposed to be
And I can't feel anything.
And I can't feel anything.
No sé si quiero que lo escuches
I don't know if I want you to listen to it
no quiero que sepas quién soy
I don't want you to know who I am
cuando todo cae se destruye
When everything falls, it's destroyed
sueño con las nubes
I dream of clouds
si no quieres verme más
If you don't want to see me anymore
Tell me
si es q ya no quieres verme más
If it's that you don't want to see me anymore
Tell me
Clavo mis pies en lo terrenal
I stick my feet into what is earthly
pero mi mente empieza a levitar
But my mind begins to levitate
caminando por las nubes
Walking through the clouds
no todavia no me quiero bajar
I still don't want to go down
Pero algo duele más
But something hurts more
algo duele más
Something hurts more
y nunca se va
And it never leaves
algo duele más
Something hurts more
algo duele más.
Something hurts more
I would like you
I would like you
to forget me for awhile
to forget me for awhile
I just wanna drown
I just wanna drown
I just wanna get drunk
I just wanna get drunk
I don't wanna be
I don't wanna be
what I'm supposed to be
what I'm supposed to be
And I can't feel anything.
And I can't feel anything.