Translation of the song Dile artist Natalia Lacunza



English translation

Tell them

Siempre se repite la misma mierda,

The same shit always repeats itself

entras, hasta que te arrepientas,

You come in until you regret

me escondes las llaves debajo del sofá,

You hide the keys from me under the sofa

no te importa nada lo que pueda pasar.

You don't care about anything that could happen

Te miro y tú no te enteras,

I look at you and you don't notice

me pasas una nota por debajo de la

You pass me a note under the



lo siento si te sentó mal

I'm sorry if it made you feel bad

algo entre los dos ha empezado a cambiar.

Something between the two has begun to change

Me despierto por las nubes

I wake up by the clouds

si sueño con tu jeta

If I dream of your face

tienes la bragueta abierta,

You have your fly down

no sé porque te empeñas en disimular

I don't know why you insist on hiding

dile que no corra, que se puede quedar.

Tell them1 that they don't run, that they can stay

(que se puede quedar) (x3)

(that they can stay) (x3)

Podemos empezar un baile entre

We can begin a dance between

las piernas,

The legs,

me lo pides si canto como las sirenas,

You ask me for it if I sing like the mermaids,

buscamos algo que nos ayude a escapar,

We're looking for something to help us escape

seguro en otro lado nos podemos curar.

Surely somewhere else we can recover

por si te lo preguntes ya te he perdonado

In case you ask yourself, I've already forgiven you

no puedo dormir abrazando el pasado,

I can't sleep embracing the past

si todos al final acabaremos igual,

If in the end we'll all end up the same

debajo de la tierra no existe ni bien ni mal.

Six feet under neither good nor bad exists

(vamos a bailar) (x11)

(we're going to dance) (x11)

Por qué no compartir la vida?

Why not sharing life?

Sin cariño se nos queda fría.

Without affection, it's cold for us

Dile que no corra, que se puede quedar,

Tell them that they don't run, that they can stay

si todos al final acabaremos igual.

If in the end we'll all end up the same

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