Translation of the song Nada artist Natalia Lacunza
Todos se están tapando los ojos
Everyone is covering their eyes
Cómo pueden no mirar
How can they not look
Si siento que quema por dentro
If I feel that it burns inside
Que ya no va más hacia atrás
That it no longer goes back
Sigue avanzando lento
It keeps advancing slowly
Todos se han quedado quietos
Everyone has stayed still
Alguien ha parado el
Someone has stopped
Nunca debí despertar
I should've never woken up
Que alguien me saque del cuerpo
May someone remove from my body
De este peso la mitad
Half of this weight
Oigo sus voces que no dicen na
I hear their voices that don't say anything
Ya no tengo miedo me quiero marchar
I'm not afraid anymore I want to leave
Miro sus ojos y no veo na
I look at their eyes and I don't see anything
Todo es mentira ya no veo na-nada
Everything is a lie I don't see anything anymore
No dicen na
They don't say anything
Ya no tengo miedo me quiero marchar
I'm not afraid anymore I want to leave
Miro sus ojos y no veo na
I look at their eyes and I don't see anything
Todo es mentira ya no veo na-nada
Everything is a lie I don't see anything anymore