Translation of the song Belle (reprise) (Danish) artist Beauty and the Beast (OST)
Belle (reprise) (Danish)
Belle (reprise)
Er han gået?
Has he left?
Har I hørt mage!
Have you ever heard the like?
Han ville gifte sig med mig!
He wanted to marry me!
Mig! Gift med den torskedumme, kedelige....
Me! Married to that crass, boring...
Madam Gaston, har I nu hørt det?
Madam Gaston, did you just hear that?
Madam Gaston, hans lille viv
Madam Gaston, his little wife
Nej tak, for mig, se om jeg gør det
No thanks, for me, watch if I do it
Jeg ønsker mer' end det her landsbyliv
I wish for more than this village life
Jeg længes ud mod fjerne horisonter
I long towards distant horizons
Jeg vil ha' liv og eventyr
I want life and adventure
Og jeg tænker ofte på
And I often think of
Om dog bare nogen så
If only anyone would see
Jeg vil mere end de kan forstå
I want more than they can understand