Translation of the song Det er Ganske Vist [Beauty and the Beast] artist Beauty and the Beast (OST)


Det er Ganske Vist [Beauty and the Beast]

English translation

That's a Given

Siden alt blev til

Since everything was created

Har det været sandt

It's been true

Først er man så stejl

At first, you're so very stubborn

Man kan kun se fejl

You can only see flaws

Men så ser man ret

But then you see it properly

Visse ting er sket

Certain things have happened

små signaler læst

tiny signals have been read

To der var så skræmt

Two persons who were so scared

Det bli'r ikke nemt

It won't be easy

Det er ganske vist

That's a given

Samme gamle sang

The same, old song

Fylder sind og krop

Fills up mind and body

Rammer som et lyn

Strikes like a lighting

Åbner for dit syn

Opens your eyes

Så står solen op

Then the sun is rising

Siden alt blev til

Since everything was created

Trænger sangen ind

The song has made its way in

Bittersød og sær

Bittersweet and strange

Fjern og ganske nær

Distant and quite close by

Hvor du før var blind

Where you used to be blind

Alt er sikkert nu

Everything is certain now

Stormene har blæst

The storms have blown

Skønheden hun fandt

The beauty found1

Udyret han vandt

The beast won

Det er ganske vist

That's a given

Skønheden hun fandt

The beauty found

Udyret han vandt

The beast won

Det er ganske vist

That's a given

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