Translation of the song Ljepotica i Zvijer [Beauty and the Beast] artist Beauty and the Beast (OST)
Ljepotica i Zvijer [Beauty and the Beast]
Beauty and the Beast
Šapat drevnog sna
Whisper of an ancient dream
Srcem vođen glas
Voice guided by the heart
Priču ovu tka
Weaves this story.
Vrijeme, koje zna,
The time knows
Gdje sad leži spas
Where lies the salvation now.
Spomen davnog sna
Mention of a pristine dream
List iz knjige žut
Yellow page from the book
Kao rose kap
Like a dew drop
Kao rijeke slap
Like a river waterfall
Ljubav nać' će put
Love will find a way
Priče sretan kraj
Now I bode that
Sada slutim znaj
Story will have a happy ending, know!
Divan to je san
It's a beautiful dream
Svima dobro znan
Well known to everyone
Kao sunca sjaj
Like a sunshine
Zora rađa dan
Dawn gives birth to a day
Svjetlost iskri svud
Light sparks everywhere
Mijenja sve na mah
It changes everything at one go
Iskren treptaj plah
Sincere shy flicker
Otkri pravu ćud
Has revealed the right mood
Skriven osmijeh blag
Hidden mild smile
Priči daje smjer
Gives a direction to the story
Divan to je san
It's a beautiful dream
Svima dobro znan
Well known to everyone
Ljepotica i Zvijer
Beauty and the Beast
Najljepši taj san
That most beautiful dream
Svima dobro znan
Well known to everyone
Ljepotica i Zvijer
Beauty and the Beast