Translation of the song Menneske igen [Human Again] artist Beauty and the Beast (OST)


Menneske igen [Human Again]

English translation

Human again

[Kloksworth, talt]

[Cogsworth, spoken]

...så skal de forelske sig i hinanden i aften, hvis vi skal blive mennesker igen

...they must fall in love with each other tonight if we are to become humans again

[Lumiere, talt]

[Lumiere, spoken]

Ahh, menn'ske igen

Ahh, human again

[Mrs. Potts, talt]

[Mrs. Potts, spoken]

Menn'ske igen

Human again

[Lumiere, talt]

[Lumiere, spoken]

Jah, tænk engang hvad det vil si'

Yeah, just think what that means

[Lumiere og Mrs. Potts:]

[Lumiere and Mrs. Potts:]

Jeg skal feste igen

I'll be partying again

Vær' den bedste igen

Be the best again

Med en mademoiselle på hver arm

With a mademoiselle on each arm

Jeg bli'r menn'ske igen

I'll become human again

Rigtig menn'ske igen

Real human again

Jeg ska' skinne og ose af charme

I'll shine and ooze charm

Jeg ska' smigre igen

I'll flatter again

Gå med piger igen

Be with girls again

(Mrs. Potts: Så ka' mændene godt slå alarm)

(Mrs. Potts: Then the men may sound the alarm)

Ha ha, jeg ska' snart sig' farvel, og tour suite vær' mig selv

Ha ha, I'll say goodbye soon, and the tour suite be myself

[Begge:]Det bli'r skønt at vær' menn'ske igen

[Both:] It'll be great to be humans again



Vi bli'r menn'sker igen

We'll become humans again

Glade menn'sker igen

Happy humans again

Det bli'r godt at se ud som vi bør

It will be good to look like we should

Vi bli'r menn'sker igen

We'll become humans again

Glade menn'sker igen

Happy humans again

[Tante Garderobe:]

[Aunt Wardrobe:]

Ah cherie! Snart bli'r alt li'som før

Ah cherie! Soon everything will be the same as before

Mine læber bli'r rød'

My lips will turn red

Jeg vil ikke vær' et brød

I'll not be a hulk1

Jeg kan nemt komme gennem min dør

I'll easily get through my door

Det bli'r lutter komfort,

It will be pure comfort,

Jeg får tøj, jeg får hår

I'll get clothes, I'll get hair

Så hvornår bli'r jeg menn'ske igen?

So when will I become human again?

[Kloksworth, Lumiere, Mrs. Potts & kor:]

[Cogsworth, Lumiere, Mrs. Potts & choir:]

Vi bli'r menn'sker igen

We'll become humans again

Glade menn'sker igen

Happy humans again

Vores verden bli'r atter normal

Our world will return to normal

(Kloksworth:) Jeg vil ta' den med ro

(Cogsworth:) I'll take it easy

(Lumiere)Virkelig? Ja den er go'

(Lumiere) Really? Yeah, come off it!



Er det sært at jeg bli'r ga-ga-ga-gal?

Is it strange that I'm going ma-ma-ma-mad?

Jeg ska' sidde hele dag'n

I'll be sitting all day

Ved det blå ocean

By the blue ocean

Min pensionstid bli'r fænomenal

My retirement will be phenomenal

Langt fra folk af stearin, vil jeg tænd' min kamin

Far from people of stearin, I will light my fireplace

Drikke vin!

Drink wine!

(Kor: Han bli'r menn'ske igen)

(Chorus: He'll become human again)



Farvel til støvkorn og smuds

Goodbye to specks of dust and dirt

Luk sol og lys ind igen

Let the sun and light in again

Hvis hun ikk' har fortrudt

If she has not regretted

Bli'r fortryllelsen brudt

The enchantment will be broken

Inden længe


Tag jeres klude og puds

Take your cloths and polish

Få kost og bakke herhen

Get broom and dustpan over here

Med lidt lykke og held, bli'r vi alle os selv

With a little fortune and luck, we'll all become ourselves

Inden længe


Åben og duft til det dejlige vejr

Open and smell the nice weather

([Mrs. Potts:]) Stil dem her, og de andre står der

([Mrs. Potts:]) Put them here and the others will be there

Fjern alle år med smerte og sår

Remove all the years of pain and wounds

For nu skal de ud

For now they must get out

Vi bli'r menn'sker igen

We'll become humans again

Glade menn'sker igen

Happy humans again

Vores pige ska' nok få os fri

Our girl is sure to get us free

Varme kinder igen

Warm cheeks again

Mænd og kvinder igen

Men and women again

Og snart finder vi vor's joi de vie

And soon we'll find our joi de vie

Vi bli'r fine igen

We'll be fine again

Vi ska' grine igen

We'll be laughing again

Vi ska' grine når det er forbi

We'll laugh when it's over

Med et brag og et klask, vil de falde pladask

With a bang and a slap, they'll fall head over heels

Og med ét bli'r vi menn'sker igen

And all of a sudden we become human again

[Belle, talt]

[Belle, spoken]

Ingen større sorg i verden ingen ved, end Romeo og Julies kærlighed

A greater sorrow in the world no one knows, than that of the love of Romeo and Juliet2

[Udyret, talt]

[The Beast, spoken]

Mmh, vil du læse den igen?

Mmh, will you read it again?

[Belle, talt]

[Belle, spoken]

Ehe, nej, vil du ikke læse den for mig?

Ehe, no, won't you read it to me?

[Udyret, talt]

[The Beast, spoken]

Øh, okay, en, -mh-em. Jeg kan ikke.

Uh, okay, a, -mh-em. I can't.

[Belle, talt]

[Belle, spoken]

Har du aldrig lært at læse?

Have you never learned to read?

[Udyret, talt]

[The Beast, spoken]

Jo jeg har. En smule. Det er bare så, så længe siden

Yes I have. A little. It's just so, so long ago

[Belle, talt]

[Belle, spoken]

Kom her, lad mig hjælpe dig. Øhm, lad os begynde her.

Come here, let me help you. Um, let's start here.

[Udyret, talt]

[The Beast, spoken]

Her? Mhm, tåh

Here? Mhm, toe?

[Belle, talt]

[Belle, spoken]



[Udyret, talt]

[The Beast, spoken]

To, det vidste jeg godt. To familier...

Two, I knew that. Two families...



Vi skal danse igen

We'll be dancing again

Vi skal synge igen

We'll be singing again

Vi skal gynge med pomp og med pragt

We shall swing with pomp and with splendour

Vi bli'r menn'sker igen

We'll become humans again

Glade menn'sker igen

Happy humans again

Til musik i tre fjerdedels takt

To music in simple triple time

Vi skal klippe igen

We'll be cutting again

Og frisere igen

And hairdress again

Promenere hvor skiltet står vagt

Promenade where the sign stands guard

Hele slottet er klar

The whole castle is ready

Til at bli' dem vi var

To become those we were

Der vil ikk' vær en sky, når vi fødes på ny

There will not be a cloud3 when we are born again

Når vi alle bli'r menn'sker igen

When we all become humans again

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