Translation of the song Naš Je Gost [Be Our Guest] artist Beauty and the Beast (OST)
Naš Je Gost [Be Our Guest]
You're our guest
Naš si gost, naš si gost
You're our guest, you're our guest
Dok je nas tu nije post
As long as we're here there's no fast
Samo sjedni, ti se smjesti
Just sit, take your place
Nama uvijek drag si gost
You're always our dear guest
Soupe de jour, vruć hors d'œuvre
Soupe de jour, hot hors d'œuvre
Nek u tijelu zavre krv
Let blood warm up in your body
Probaj ovo! Ništa luđe!
Try this! Nothing wilder!
Je li fino? Pitaj suđe!
Is it nice? Ask the dishes!
Svi će sad plesat', znaj
All will dance now, know that
Pjesmi ovoj nije kraj
It's not the end to this song
Ručak nikad ovdje nije bio prost
Lunch has never been simple here
Otvori sad meni i baci pogled ti
Open up the menu now and have a look
Jer naš si gost, naš si gost, naš si gost!
For you're our guest, you're our guest, you're our guest
I ragout i soufflé
Both ragout and soufflé
K tom još puding en flambé
With those puding en flambé also
Služit' spremno ćemo kulinarskih znanja cabaret
We'll serve readily a cabaret of culinary knoweledge
Dobar tek, i u slast!
Bon apetit, and may you feel delight!
Gozba tebi je u čast
The feast is in your honor
Nitko tužan neće biti, kada treba jest' i piti
No one's going to be sad, when there's eating and drinking to be had
Vidi sad ovaj trik
Look at this trick now
Svijeće svijetle na moj mig
The candles glow on my sign
Živo pivo, to je stvarno dobar štos
Beer that's alive, that's a good stunt
Ti čašu daj u zrak, o to je dobar znak
Lift your glass into the air, oh that's a good sign
Jer naš si gost, naš si gost
For you're our guest, you're our guest, you're our guest
Fine hrane ima još
There's more fine food
Naš si gost, naš si gost, naš si gost!
You're our guest, you're our guest, you're our guest
Uzalud se tužiš
It's pointless to complain
Kad si sluga, a ne služiš
When you're a servant, but you don't serve
Kada goriš, jer ne dvoriš svaki dan
When you burn, 'cause you don't wait upon everyday
Ah, ti dani kad smo bili važni
Ah, those days when we were important
Odjednom su prošli kao san...
Suddenly they passed by like a dream...
Deset dugih ljeta, sva ta prašina nam smeta
Ten long years, all this dust bothers us
Kom pokazat' te vještine i taj dar?
To whom do we show those skills and that gift?
Motamo se dan i noć po dvorcu
We wander day and night around the castle
Vučemo se tu da dođeš ti, i eto čuda!
Drag ourselves around, you come, and it's a miracle!
Kad je gost s nama drag, to je čudo, s neba znak
When a dear guest is with us, that's a miracle, a sign from the sky
Tu je vino i salvete, ovo nije pos'o lak!
Wine and napkins are here, this isn't an easy job!
Uz desert bit će čaj, njega spremit' mogu, znaj
There'll be tea with desert, I can prepare it, know that
Dok će mali tiho mrmljat', ja ću ključat', ja ću grgljat'
While the little one'll be quietly muttering, I'll be boiling, I'll be gargling
Zviždat' znam parom svom
I know how to whistle with my steam
Gledaj, zar je mrlja to?
Look, isn't that a stain?
Briši daj, nek' mi sjaji čak i nos!
C'mon wipe it, make it so even my nose shines!
Uredit' treba sve
Everything needs to be arranged
Jel' kocka ili dv'je?
One cube or two?
Jer ti si gost
For you're a guest
Naš si gost
You're our guest
Naš je gost
You're our guest
Naš je gost
You're our guest
Naš gost nije čest
Our guest doesn't come often
Ti nam nosiš dobru vijest
You bring us good news
Deset ljeta nitko s nama ovdje nije doš'o sjest'!
No one's come here to sit with us for ten years!
Tu smo svi sad za pir srcem svim, to nije hir!
We're here now for the celebration with all our hearts, it's not a whim!
I dok svjetlost tiho tinja, to je čuda puna škrinja!
And while the light quietly smolders, that's a chest full of wonders!
Slijed po slijed jest ćeš, znaj
You'll eat one after another, know that
Daj nam sad kad bude kraj
Come on now when it comes to an end
Tad će svi uz pjesmu zvukom gradit' most
Then everyone, with a song, will with sounds build bridges
Odbaci brige svoje, kušaj jelo koje
Throw away your worries, try whichever meal
Jer si gost, jer si gost
For you're a guest, for you're a guest
Naš si gost
You're our guest
Ti naš si gost!
You are our guest!