Translation of the song [Beauty and the Beast] الجميلة والوحش artist Beauty and the Beast (OST)
[Beauty and the Beast] الجميلة والوحش
Since the Dawn of Time
من عمر الأيام
Since the dawn of time
حدوته في قلبين
A tale of two hearts
حتى مش أصحاب
They are not even friends
و لأهون أسباب
For the simplest reasons
تلقى ده مع دي
You will find him along with her
في تغيير بسيط
There is a small change
لو قاسي ماتلمحش
You will not notice it if you are indifferent
الإتنين خايفين
The two of them are afraid
مش مصدقين
They cannot believe it
جميلتنا و الوحش
Our Beauty and the Beast
هي كده يا بلاش
It is like that or is not at all
قصة الاندهاش
A story of awe
نفس حكاية الخوف
The same story of fear
و القلب الملهوف
And of an eager heart
من الحلم ما يصحاش
From the dream it cannot awaken
من عمر الأيام
Since the dawn of time
لحن في قلب القلب
A melody down at the bottom of the heart
القلب الي مال
The heart that leaned
للسحر الحلال
Towards the divine magic
من العيون ينصاب
Is stricken with envy
زي طلوع الشمس
Like the rising of the sun
و إزاي ما تطلعش؟
How could it not rise?
حدوته يا سلام
A wonderful tale
من عمر الأيام
Since the dawn of time
عن جميلة و وحش
About a Beauty and a Beast
حدوته يا سلام
A wonderful tale
من عمر الأيام
Since the dawn of time
عن جميلة و وحش
About a Beauty and a Beast