Translation of the song بدايه [Prologue] artist Beauty and the Beast (OST)
بدايه [Prologue]
كان يا مكان في بلاد بعيد بعيد
Once upon a time, in a far-off land,
أمير شاب عايش في قلعة عظيمة
A young Prince lived in a majestic castle
كان عنده كل ما يتمناه
He had everything he desired
لكن كان قلبه قاسي
But he had a hard heart
وكان أناني وظالم
And was selfish and unjust
وفي ليلة من ذات الليالي في الشتا
Then in one wintry night
خبّطت علي بابه شحاتة عجوزه
An old mendicant knocked at his door
هادته بوردة واحدة مفيش غيرها
And offered him one single rose
وطلبت منه قصادها
And asked him for a shelter
يؤويها من البرد الرهيب
From the dreadful cold
نفر الأمير عجزها وغلبها
Repulsed by her old age and her haggard appearance
واستهزأ بالهدية
The Prince laughed scornfully at the gift
وأمر العجوزة تنصرف
And ordered the old woman to take her leave
قالتله متنخدعش بالمظاهر يابني
She told him not to be deceived by appearances
الجمال مكانه القلب
Beauty is within the heart
ولما من تاني طردها
And when he dismissed her again
دابت تجاعيد العجوزة
The old woman's wrinkles melted away
وبان مكانها ساحرة شابة وجميلة
To reveal a young beautiful Enchantress
يحاول الأمير يعتذر
The Prince tried to apologise
فات الآوان!
It was too late!
الساحرة شافت خلاص قلبه
The Enchantress looked within his heart
وكان مفيهوش نقظة حب
And there was not a ounce of love in it
وعقاباً ليه سحرته وحش .. مرعب .. بشع
And as a punishment, she transformed him into a beast... Fearsome... Monstruous
وعزّمت عالقلعة والي فيها
And cast a spell over the castle and all who lived there
سخطتهم بقوة سحرها
With the power of her magic
وحبس الوحش نفسه في قلعته
The Beast cloistered himself in his castle
خجلان من بشاعة سحنته
Ashamed of his hideous appearance
ومفيش غير مرايه مسحوره
With an enchanted mirror
شباك يطل منه عالدنيا
As the only window to the world
أما الوردة الي هاديته بيها
As for the rose she offered to him
كانت بردو مسحوره
It was enchanted as well
تفضل مزهزهه لحد ما يتم 21 سنة
It would bloom until his twenty-first year
لو قدر يحب ومحبوبته فاز بقلبها
If he could learn to love and conquer his lover's heart
قبل ما آخر ورقة في الوردة تقع
Before the last petal of the rose falls down
ينفك السحر
The spell would be broken
وإن فشل يبقي خلاص
If not
مكتوب عليه يفضل وحش .. للأبد
He would be doomed to remain a beast... For ever and a day
وسنة ورا سنة والوحش يائس
Year after year, he fell into despair
قلبه ضاع منه الأمل
And hope disappeared from his heart
مين قلبها ممكن يرق لوحش؟
What heart could feel compassion for a beast?