Translation of the song شيء جميل [Something There] artist Beauty and the Beast (OST)
شيء جميل [Something There]
A beautiful thing
فيه شيء جميل، ووديع كمان
There's something beautiful, and also gentle
بس ده كان قاسي وكان متوحش مش إنسان
but he was cruel, and he was wild, inhuman
دلوقتي رقيق، قرّبوا يا طيور
but now delicate, Come closer O birds
ما اعرفش ازاي أنا كنت بخاف ازاي منّه وأطير؟
I don't know how I was (so) afraid (of him) that I'd fly away from him
بصت بحنان، أنا قلت ده إيه؟
she looked (at me) with tenderness, I said how's that?
حتى في اللمسة ما ارتعشتش وخافت ليه؟
Even touching she didn't tremble or was afraid, why?
ده حلم عبيط، خبلني الشوق
Its a naive dream, Eagerness drove me crazy
لكن دي بصت والنني كان كله ضوء
but the look in her eyes were filled with light
يااااه، شيء جميل يخوّف
Ahhhh, A beautiful and scary thing
شيء عجيب ولا حد يصدّق بييييييه
A strange thing, no one would believe it
آااااه، مش أمير حواديتي
Ahhh, He's not the prince of my stories
بس جوه ف قلبه شيء كان حلمي آلاقيه
but inside his heart, there's something I dreamt of finding
ده ولا الأحلام
It's not even a dream
ده مش معقول
It;s not possible
ماخطرش فبال
It hasn't crossed my mind
ولا دار فخيال
Nor in a fantasy
مين كان يصدق قلبهم الاتنين يميل؟
Who would have believed that both of their hearts would sway?
عجيبة، آه، نستنى يومين
How strange, we'll wait a couple days
ونشوف بالعين
And we'll see by our own eyes
الحلم ده هو عمره قصير ولا طويل
whether this dream will be short lived or long
على فكرة الحلم ده ممكن يبقى عمره طويل
indeed, this dream may be long
الحلم ده ممكن يبقى علم، وعلم جميل
This dream can be a science, and a beautiful one
جميل مين يا ماما؟
What's beautiful Mama?
هقولك لما تكبر
I'll tell you when you're older