Translation of the song Ibu lebih tahu [Mother Knows Best] artist Tangled (OST)
Ibu lebih tahu [Mother Knows Best]
Mother Knows It Better
Kamu mahu pergi ke luar?
So you want to go to outside?
Oh, hai Rapunzel!
Oh, my my, Rapunzel!
Tengoklah, lembutnya bagai bunga
Look at it, how delicate you are just like a flower
Masih kecil anakku sayang
Oh, you are still young, my lovely child
Kenapa kita tinggal di menara? ( Tahu, tapi... )
Why do we stay in the tower? ( I know, but... )
Betul, supaya kau selamat, sayang
Correct, so that you will be safe, darling
Memang hari ini telah tiba
Certainly, this day has arrived
Kau pasti meninggalkan rumah
You will surely leave this home
Nantilah dulu ( Tapi... )
But wait for a while first ( But... )
Percaya sayang
Trust me, darling
Ibu lebih tahu
Mother knows it better
Ibu lebih tahu
Mother knows it better
Dengar kata ibu
Listen to my words
Di luar tak selamat
Out there, it is not safe
Ibu lebih tahu
Mother knows it better
Lebih makan garam
I have more experience of it
Macam-macam tragedi, pencuri, penjahat, racun, pasir jerlus, kanibal, ular, wabak ( Tak )
There is a lot of tragedies, thieves, villains, poison, quicksand, cannibals, snakes, the plagues ( No )
Serangga besar, lelaki bergigi tajam
Big insects and men that have sharp tooth
Cukup sudah
Well, that is enough
Ibu dah risau
I am worried
Ibu di sini
Mother is here
Pasti kan selamat
You will certainly be safe
Dengarlah nasihatku
Please listen to my advice
Jangan berdrama, ikutlah Mama
No need to be so dramatic so just follow me
Ibu lebih tahu
Mother knows it better
Ibu lebih tahu
Mother knows it better
Ikutlah cakapku
Do follow my words
Takkan kau dapat hidup
You will certainly never survive
Pakai selekeh macam budak kecil
You dress horribly just like a small child
Pasti takkan berjaya
You will never succeed
Terlalu naif, macam tak mandi
You are too naïve and you look like a person that has not bathed yet
Dahlah tak berapa pandai
You are also not really bright though
Dan ibu tengok makin kuat makan
And I see that you eat a lot lately
Ibu cuma sayangkan kamu
I just love you
Ibu kan faham
I will understand
Ibu kan menolong
I will help you
Cuma satu pintaku
But only a request, please
Rapunzel? ( Ya? )
Rapunzel? ( Yes? )
Jangan minta lagi hendak tinggalkan menara ini. Ingat ya? ( Baiklah, ibu )
Please do not ask me whether you can leave this tower or not. Remember it ( Okay, mother )
Oh, ibu sangat sayangkan kamu, nak ( Saya sayangkan ibu lebih )
Oh, I really love you, dear ( I love you more )
Ibu paling sayangkan kamu
I love you the most
Jangan lupa
Do not forget
Ingat sahaja
Just remember it
Ibu lebih tahu
Mother knows it better