Translation of the song In naposled zrem luči [I see the light] artist Tangled (OST)
In naposled zrem luči [I see the light]
I See The Light
Mnogo let sem ob oknu stala
For many years I've been standing by the window
Mnogo let gledala tjavdalj
For many years gazing into the distance
Ves ta čas sem se spraševala,
All this time I've been wondering
Kje je ta sijaj
Where that glow is
Zdaj sem tu, zvezda mi mežika
Now I'm here, the star is blinking at me
Zdaj sem tu in srce nori
Now I'm here and my heart is going crazy
Tu stojim in res živim
Standing here and really living
Sem tu, kjer luč gori
I'm here, where the light is shinning
In naposled zrem luči
And at last I see the light
In z oči se mrak umika
And the gloom's disappeared from my eyes
In naposled zrem luči
And at last I see the light
Drugo se mi zdi nebo
The sky seems new to me
Smeje se in je toplo
It's smiling at me, it's warm
In ves svet je nova slika
And the entire world is different
Naenkrat vse je čudovito
All at once everything is wonderful
Ker si ti z menoj
Because you're with me
Dolge dni sem samo pohajal
For many days I've only roamed around
Mnogo let taval v megli
Many years wandered aimlessly through the fog
Ves ta čas zmeraj sem spregledal dobro plat stvari
All this time I've never seen the good side of things
Zdaj je tu, zvezda mi mežika
Now she's here, the star is blinking at me
Zdaj je tu in srce nori
Now she's here and my heart is going crazy
Če je tu, poznam poti do tja, kjer luč gori
If she's here, I know the way to where the light is shinning
In naposled zrem luči
And at last I see the light
In z oči se mrak umika
And the gloom's disappeared from my eyes
In naposled zrem luči
And at last I see the light
Drugo se mi zdi nebo
The sky seems new to me
Smeje se in je toplo
It's smiling at me, it's warm
In ves svet je nova slika
And the entire world is different
Naenkrat vse je čudovito
All at once everything is wonderful
Ker si ti z menoj
Because you're with me
Ker si ti z menoj
Because you're with me