Translation of the song Ja Imam San [I've Got A Dream] artist Tangled (OST)
Ja Imam San [I've Got A Dream]
I've got a dream
Ja sam opak i prepreden
I'm wicked and tedious
I cerek mi je leden
And my laugh is ice cold
I nasilan sam priznat ću ti isto
And I'm violent I'll admit it to you also
Al' usprkos faci zloj
But despite the evil face
Nagloj ćudi, kuki toj
Sudden temper, that hook
Ja uvijek htjedoh postat' pijanistom
I always wanted to be a pianist
I na pozornici dok se ori Mozart
And on the stage while Mozzart is playing
Škakljao bih tipke cijeli dan
I'd tickle the keys the entire day
Ja ne ponosim se bandom
I'm not proud of the gang
Već tim majstorskim glissandom
But with the masterful glissando
Hvala! Jer duboko u srcu imam san
Thank you! Cause deep inside my heart I've got a dream
(On ima san)
(He's got a dream)
(On ima san)
(He's got a dream)
Vidiš katkad i raznježit' ja se znam
See, sometimes I can even be affectionate
I dok razbijam i rušim
And as I break and destroy
Znaj da sanjar sam u duši
Know that I'm a dreamer on the inside
K'o svaki drugi čovjek imam san
Like every other man I've got a dream
Imam kvrge na sve strane
I've got lumps everywhere
Na laktu gnojne rane
Festering wounds on the elbow
I znam da mi na licu raste svašta
And I know that there's everything growing on my face
Al' zaboravim na skroz:
But I totally forget:
Prste, gušu, velik nos
The fingers, neck, big nose
O velikoj romantici kad maštam
When I dream about great romance
Zar me ne vidiš na čamcu s finom damom
Don't you see me in a boat with a nice lady
Lahor nosi njene kose pram
Breeze carries a strand of her hair
Koščat, karakat, dlakav, gubav
Bony, spindly, hairy, leprous
Ja u sebi nosim ljubav
I carry love inside me
I duboko u srcu imam san
And deep inside my heart I've got a dream
Ja imam san
I've got a dream
(On ima san)
(He's got a dream)
Ja imam san
I've got a dream
(On ima san)
(He's got a dream)
San da svoju nježnost nekom dragom dam
A dream to give my tenderness to someone else
Kad me spaze ljudi vrište
When people notice me they scream
Al' me brige te ne tište
But those worries don't bother me
Jer baš k'o drugi svi, ja imam san
Cause just like everyone else, I've got a dream
Tor bi htio radit ikebane
Toll would like to make ikebanas
Ginter cijeni fin interijer
Gunter appreciates nice interior
Ulf je glumac već
Urf is already and actor
Atila krafne voli peć'
Attila likes to fry donuts
Ručni rad, kakav stil
Handmade, what stile
Lutkice su Fangov hir
Little dolls are Ven's thing
A jednoroge skuplja mali Vladimir
And little Vladimir collects unicorns
Ja snove imam znate, al' manje delikatne
I've got dreams you know, but less delicate
O moru, plaži, suncu koje zove
About the sea, beach, Sun that calls
Jedan otok dobro znan, gdje preplanuo i sam
One island I know very well, where tanned and alone
Ja ležim na hrpetinama love
I lay on piles of money
Ja imam san
I've got a dream
(Ti imaš san)
(You've got a dream)
Ja imam san
I've got a dream
(Ti imaš san)
(You've got a dream)
Lampiona malih želim vidjet' plam
I want to see the flames of little lanterns
Njihov sjaj me sebi vuče
Their glow is pulling me towards them
Pa sam otišla od kuće
So I've left home
Jer baš kao i vi ja imam san
Cause just like you I've got a dream
Ja imam san, ti imaš san
I've got a dream, you've got a dream
Ja imam san, ti imaš san
I've got a dream, you've got a dream
Nema razlike ni razloga za sram i kad si šljam
There's no difference nor reason to be ashamed even if your scum
Mi smo grubi, zli, sadisti, al' u duši optimisti
We are harsh, evil, sadists, but optimists deep on the inside
Jer duboko u srcu nam je san
Cause deep inside our hearts there's a dream
Ja imam san
I've got a dream
Ja imam san
I've got a dream
Ja imam san
I've got a dream
Ja imam san
I've got a dream
Ja imam san
I've got a dream
Ja imam san
I've got a dream
Da! Duboko u srcu nam je san!
Yes! Deep inside our hearts there's a dream!