Translation of the song Kada počinje život moj [When Will My Life Begin?] artist Tangled (OST)


Kada počinje život moj [When Will My Life Begin?]

English translation

When will my life begin

Sedam je sati, jutro k'o svako drugo

It's seven am, morning just like any other

Oprat ću pod i pomest ću cijeli kat

I'll mop the floor and sweep the entire floor

Zatim ću krpom brisat' i trljat' dugo

Then I'll wipe with a cloth and scrub for a long time

Opet mest', neću sjest'

Sweep again, I won't sit down

Kako spor taj je sat

This clock is so slow

Pročitat' knjigu dvije, il' možda četiri-pet

I'll read a book or two, or maybe four-five

Ukrasit' malo strop, narisat' koji cvijet

Decorate the ceiling a bit, draw a few flowers,

Gitaru svirat', plest', pripremit' kolač svoj

Play a guitar, dance, make my cake

Al' kada počinje život moj?

But when will my life begin?

Pojedem ručak, igram se, kekse pečem

I eat breakfast, play, bake cookies

Lutkarski svijet, a zatim balet i šah

Doll world, then ballet and chess

Onda grnčarstvo, trbuhozborstvo, svijeće

Then pottery, ventriloquism, candles

Koja vježba, pa crtež, pa uspon i tad

A few exercises, then a drawing, a climb and then

Pročitam knjigu dvije, o kako dug je dan

I read a book or two, oh how the day is long

Pa onda slikam još, tu nema mjesta znam

Then I paint some more, there's no space here I know

A onda četkam, četkam svaki zlatni pram

And then I brush, brush each golden coat

I brojim sate u kuli toj

And count the hours in that tower

I tad se pitam, i pitam, i pitam:

And then I ask myself, and ask, and ask:

A kada počinje život moj?

But when will my life begin?

A sutra znam na rođendan moj

But tomorrow I know on my birthday

Kad padne noć svjetla sjat će u njoj

When the night falls the lights will shine inside her

Možda ću sad ostvarit' svoj san

Maybe then I'll make my dream come true

Možda me majka sada najzad pusti van

Maybe mother will finally let me out now

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