Translation of the song Kdaj se mi kaj zgodi? [When Will My Life Begin?] artist Tangled (OST)
Kdaj se mi kaj zgodi? [When Will My Life Begin?]
When Does Anything Happen To Me?
Sedem šele, jaz že s polno paro delam
It's only seven and I'm already working at full speed
Metlo vihtim, da pod se blešči kot nov
I'm brandishing the broom, so the floor sparkles as if it was new
Brišem še prah, operem, nato še zlikam
I'm also dusting, washing, and then ironing as well
Drgnem spet in potem je le sedem četrt
I'm scrubbing again and then it's only a quarter past seven
Preberem knjigo, dve, mogoče raje tri
I read a book, two, maybe rather three
Naslikam nov portret na zid v sprejemnici
I pain a new portrait onto the wall in the drawing room
Zabrenkam si napev, in pletem, kuham si
I strum a tune, and knit, I cook for myself
A vem ne, kdaj, se mi kaj zgodi
But I don't know when anything happens to me
Ko se najem, se rada igram in pečem
Once I eat up, I like to play and bake
Plešem balet in še me zamoti šah
I dance ballet and chess still distracts me
Glina v roke in vosek, ulivam sveče
Clay in my hands and wax, I'm making candles
Gib al' dva, slikica, plezanje, šivanje
A move or two, a picture, climbing, sewing
In knjigo spet odprem, ponovno se začne
And I open a book again, it starts all over again
Doslikam nov portret, veliko jih je že
I finish a new portrait, there's a lot of them already
Krtačim si jih spet in spet in spet lase
I brush my hair again and again
Vedno sem tukaj med stenami
I'm always here between these walls
Si glavo razbijam in znova in znova sprašujem:
I'm racking my brains and asking myself again and again:
Kdaj se mi kaj zgodi?
When does anything happen to me?
A jutri, vem, luči spet prižgo
But I know tomorrow the lights turn on again
Na rojstni dan moj je vedno tako
It's always like that on my birthday
Rada bi jih od tam gledala
I want to watch them from over there
Letos mogoče mama dovoli mi stran
Maybe mom will let me go away this year