Translation of the song Mama zna sve (Repriza) [Mother Knows Best (Reprise)] artist Tangled (OST)
Mama zna sve (Repriza) [Mother Knows Best (Reprise)]
Momma knows everything - Reprise
- Mislim da mu se sviđam
- I think he likes me
Sviđaš? Zlato, pa to je van pameti
Likes you? Darling, that's insane
- Ali, majko ja...
- But, mother I...
Vidiš da ti šteti vanjski svijet
See how the outside world affects you
Voli te, al' tek u tvojoj glavi
He loves you, but just inside your mind
Pa jasno, tako si naivna, ljubavi
It's clear, you're so naive, my love
Baš ti da mu se sviđaš?
You are the one he likes?
Pa zašto? Reci!
But why? Do tell!
Ovakva? Ma, šališ se, zar ne?
Looking like this? You gotta be kidding, right?
Pusti ga samo
Just let him go
Dođi s mamom
Come with your momma
- Ne!
Ne?! Oh. A tako znači
No?! Oh. So it's like that
Moje zlato zna sve
My darling knows eveything
Kuda će i kako
Where she's gonna go and how
Pametna si nema što
You're smart, there's no doubt
Ti zlato znaš sve
Darling you know everything
Sjajno kad je tako
Great if it's like that
Onda mu odnesi to
Then bring him this
(- Otkud to?)
(- Where did this come from?)
Ovo hoće on
This is what he wants
Ne vjeruj tom tipu
Don't trust that guy
Znat ćeš kad mu krunu daš
He'll know when you give him the crown
(- I hoću!)
(- And I will!)
Znam sve o tom
I know everything about it
Nestat će u hipu
He'll disappear in a jiffy
Slušaj moje riječi sad
Listen to my words now
Moje zlato zna sve
My darling knows everything
Muškarac tvojih snova
Man of your dreams
Iskušaj ga, pa ćeš znat'
Try him out, then you'll know
(- Ma, ne! Čekaj!)
(- But, no! Wait!)
On ti laže
He's lying to you
Ja ti kažem
I'm telling you
Mama zna sve
Momma knows everything