Translation of the song Mama zna sve [Mother Knows Best] artist Tangled (OST)
Mama zna sve [Mother Knows Best]
Momma knows everything
Ti želiš izaći van?
You want to go outside?
Ah... Zašto Zlatokosa?
Ah.. Why Rapunzel?
Cvjetiću, pa ti si tako mlada
My little flower, but you're so young
Lomljiva si, krhka, nježna kći
You're a breakable, fragile, delicate daughter
Zašto smo u kuli pitaš sada...
Why are we in a tower now you ask...
(- Znam, ali...)
(- I know, but...)
Pa da, da budeš sigurna i...
Well yeah, so you could be safe and...
Ja od ovog strepila sam dana
I dreaded this day
Znala sam da molba stiže ta
I knew that request was comming
Kažem još ne...
I still say no...
(- Ali...)
(- But...)
Šš... Zlato, gle:
Shh... Darling, look:
Mama zna sve
Momma knows everything
Mama zna sve
Momma knows everything
Poslušaj ti mene
Listen to me
Strašnih stvari svijet je pun
The world is full of scary people
Mama zna sve
Momma knows everything
Bilo kud' se krene
Anywhere you go
Nešto može poć' po zlu
Something could go wrong
Lupeži, šljam
Rascals, scum
Koprive i trnje
Nettle and thorns
Kanibali, smrt i mrak
Cannibals, death and darkness
(- Ne...)
(- No...)
(- Ali...)
(- But...)
Pauci i sluz
Spiders and slime
Oštrozubi ljudi
Undertow people
Dosta je, ja ću skroz poludit'
That's enough, I'll go completely mad
Mama je tu
Momma's here
Mamica te čuva
Mommy's keeping you safe
Bolje da se držiš nje
You better stick with her
Daj ne drami
Don't make a fuss
Dođi mami
Come to momma
Mama zna sve
Momma knows everything
Mama zna sve
Momma knows everything
Sama usred svijeta
Alone in the middle of the world
Ne možeš preživjet', daj
You can't survive, come on
Šlampava si sva
You're all shabby
Trapavi curetak
Clumsy little girl
Pojest će te živu, znaj
They'll eat you alive, just so you know
Lakovjerna ćud
Gullible temper
Naivna i mila
Naive and likeable
Smušenost i pogled - blijed
Dullness and glance - pale
Dodajmo tom i još višak kila
Also let's add to that excessive weight
To ti kažem jer te volim
I'm telling you that because I love you
Mamica je tu
Mommy's here
Samo mi obećaj:
Just promise me:
Da ćeš slušat' riječi te
That you'll listen to those words
- Da?
- Yes?
Nećeš me više tražiti da izađeš iz kule, nikada?
You'll never ask to get out of the tower, never again?
- Hm... Neću, majko.
- Uhm... I won't, mother.
Da. Ja te jako volim, zlato.
Yes. I love you very much, darling.
- I ja tebe još više.
- I love you even more.
I ja tebe najviše.
I love you the most.
Tog se sjeti
Remember that
Trebat će ti
You'll need it
Mama zna sve
Momma knows everything
(Pa pa!)
(Bye bye!)