Translation of the song На фоне artist JANAGA


На фоне

English translation

In the background

Она была красива

She was beautiful

И божественно сияла, будто Зевса дочь

And she shone divinely, like a Zeus's daughter

Она, как змея

She's like a snake

Манила взглядом, меня ворожила в эту ночь

She beckoned me with her sight, she

Ненужные мысли прочь прогоняла

She banished unnecessary thoughts

Между нами троеточия поудаляла

She deleted the three dots between us

Целовала, целовала меня

She kissed me, she kissed me

Пока я допивал свой бокал вина

While I was finishing my glass of wine

Тем временем музыка играла на фоне

Meanwhile music played in the background

О другой пел на минорном тоне

I was singing about the other one in a minor key

Спрашивала — почему расстроен?

She asked me why I was upset

Была причиной музыка на фоне

And the reason was the music in the background

Музыка играла на фоне

Music played in the background

О другой пел на минорном тоне

I was singing about the other one in a minor key

Спрашивала — почему расстроен?

She asked me why I was upset

Была причиной музыка на фоне

And the reason was the music in the background

От меня без ума

She's crazy about me

Она стояла возле двери вся в слезах

She was standing by the door in tears

Она так и не поняла

She still didn't understand

Почему грустной стала вдруг моя душа

Why my soul suddenly became sad

Ведь ненужные мысли прочь прогоняла

After all she banished unnecessary thoughts

Между нами троеточия поудаляла

She deleted the three dots between us

Ведь целовала, целовала меня

After all she kissed me, kissed me

А глазки спрашивали, в чем ее вина

And her eyes asked what was her fault

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