Kai pabundu ryte, tu čia, tu čia
When I wake up in the morning, you're here, you're here
Švelnumu kvepi, tu čia, tu čia
You smell like softness, you're here, you're here
Kaip greitas bučinys, tu čia, tu čia
Like a quick kiss, you're here, you're here
Vandeniu gaivi, tu čia, tu čia
Fresh like water, you're here, you're here
Su medumi ir arbata, da da d
With honey and tea, da da da
Kaip samanos tave priglaus, da da da, da da da
They will embrace you like moss, da da da, da da da
Po sapnų juodų visa balta.
After black dreams you're all white.
Taip su galva be turinio,
That's how with an empty head,
Skambučiais kur budina
With awakening calls
Prasideda nauja diena.
The new day begins.
Saulėta nauja diena.
A sunny new day.
Lietumi šalta, tu čia, tu čia.
Cold like the rain, you're here, you're here.
Amžinai kita, tu čia, tu čia.
Never the same, you're here, you're here.
Kaip alkanų vaikų sulauks, ta diena,
Like waiting for hungry children, that day,
Su motinos įkyrumu, ta diena, ta diena,
With a mother being annoying, that day, that day,
Ir nejučiom vis tiek užgaus.
And will still hurt without meaning to.
Kaip užgaunam mes tyliai,
How we hurt others quietly,
Tuos, kuriuos labiausiai mylim...
Those who we love the most...
Ir žudys tave nauja diena!
And the new day will kill you!
Slegianti nauja diena!
Miserable new day!
Kaip pragaras sunki diena!
A day as difficult as hell!
Ašarom sunki diena!
A tear-heavy day!
Bet visą tai tu jau žinai!
But you already know all of this!
Tavęs ji vieno nepaliks!
She will not leave you alone!
Kai pabundi ryte, tu čia, tu čia
When you wake up in the morning, you're here, you're here
Vėl saulėta per rūką,
Sunny in the fog again,
Vėl su medum ant lūpų.
With honey on your lips again.
Tu imi tai į gatvę!
You bring that to the street!
Tu pakelk savo galvą.
Lift your head up.
Tau diena rodo nykštį.
The day is showing you a thumbs-up.
Gėris visada rytoj,
The good is always tomorrow,
Blogis visada vakarykštis.
The bad is left yesterday.
Ir tada visos spalvos
And then all the colours
Nudažys tavo uostą,
Will paint your harbor,
Kur kentei visom nuleistom burėm
Where you suffered with all of the sails down
Kol kiti laimę uosto.
While the others were smelling the joy.
Jau nubudo mašinos,
The cars have woken up again,
Laikas eiti į kelią,
It's time to hit the road,
Kai saulė gula,
When the sun lies down,
Saulutes vėjas kelia.
The wind lifts the daisies.
Gali bėgti kaip liūtas,
You can run like a lion,
Gali tingėti kaip panda,
You can be lazy like a panda,
Niekad nežinai kas bus,
You can never know what will happen
Bet visi dienoje kažką atranda, ta diena.
But everyone finds something in the day, that day.
Ta diena, na na na na na.
That day, na na na na na.