Translation of the song Jednom artist Kralj Edip



English translation


Jednom će ljudi preći granice

Someday people will cross borders

svojih skrivenih snova, gde ljubav caruje

of their hidden dreams, where love reigns

Gde bistra voda iz kamena izvire,

Where clear water springs from the stone,

svojem moru hrli u hladno naručje

his sea rushes into the cold arms

Kao čovek tvoj…

Like your man…

Zaborav jednom, sve boli prekriće

Oblivion someday, every pain will cover up

Neko sutrašnje vreme, istinu reći će

Some time tomorrow, it will tell the truth

Da sve za čim žudiš nije dalek¨ san

That everything you lust is not a distant

Negde na nebu ili zemlji mora da postoji raj


O, kroz led i vatru sam

Oh, I'm through ice and fire alone

Milion dugih godina nekog čekam ja

I've been waiting for someone for a million

ruke da mi da

long years

O,ti veruj da

Oh, you believe that

Negde na nebu ili zemlji mora da

Somewhere in heaven or earth it must

postoji raj…

there is a paradise…

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