Translation of the song Kad ljubav umire artist Kralj Edip
Kad ljubav umire
When love dies
Želiš znati život, šta je to, kap u moru zrno prašine
You want to know, life what it is,a drop in the sea, a grain of dust
I dok shvatiš da postoji prođe on
And until you realize that there is,he passed
Kao sneg na suncu brzo nestane
Like snow in the sun it quickly disappears
Često pitam sebe ko je taj, koji sve konce povlači,
I often ask myself who is the one,who pulls all the threads,
Zašto celoj priči je smišljen kraj
Why the end of the story is made up
Davno pre nego što smo rođeni ?
Long before we were born?
Umiri, izleči, taj bol koji razdire
Soothe, heal, that tearing pain
Opore reči su, kad ljubav umire
the words are bitter,when love dies
Nisu retki časi kada gubim dah
Hours when I lose my breath are not uncommon
Od sve te ludosti i pomame
From all that madness and greed
Tada krik iz grla se otima
then a scream comes out of my mouth
Da li od nemoći ili požude?
Is it from helplessness or lust?
Ipak negde mora da postoji trag
However, there must be a trace somewhere
Nečeg što se zvalo razumom
Something called reason
Iskra davne vatre što je gorela
The spark of the ancient fire that burned
Od koje plamen sreće bih zapalio
From which the flame of happiness I would ignite
I kreni potraži taj put koji izbavlja
And go, look for that path that delivers
Zalud su laži kad igra je gotova
Lies are in vain when the game is over
Još ovaj put i stvarno biće kraj
This time again, it will really be the end