Translation of the song Kristalni brod artist Kralj Edip


Kristalni brod

English translation

The Crystal ship

Da li će tvoje srce da zadrhti

Will your heart tremble

kad lovac dođe po plen svoj?

when the hunter comes for his prey?

Iz mojih ćeš usta uvek čuti

You will always hear from my mouth

da ću večno biti tvoj

that I will be yours forever

Utoni u san, jutro će pevati pesme tvoje

Sleep, the morning will sing your songs

i gospodar će postati tvoj rob

and the master will become your slave

I osećam da ću za nas dvoje

And I feel like I will for the two of us

pronaći mesto na svetu tom

find a place in this world

Gasi se dan, spokoj nam odnose sene

The day is fading, the shadows are bringing

kao da shvataju sav ovaj bol

us peace

I kap po kap, prazne se naše vene

As if they understood all this pain

život otiče moru svom

And drop by drop, our veins are emptied

Probudi se sad, ako želiš pevaću pesme tvoje

Wake up now, if you want I'll sing your songs

i postaću tvoj gospodar i rob

and I will become your master and slave

I osećam, dok kristalni brodovi nebom plove

And I feel it, as the crystal ships float in the

za nas biće mesta na svetu tom


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