Translation of the song Marioneta artist Kralj Edip
Žedna su usta noćas, skup dodir je tvoj
The mouth is thirsty tonight, expensive is your touch
Sa balkona stranac viri,tako nestvarno deluje sve to
A stranger peeks out of the balcony,it all seems so unreal
Marioneto, neko se igra nitima tvojim
Marionette, someone is playing with your threads
Proći će san, kratak kao uzdah iz grudiju tvojih
A dream will pass, short as a sigh from your chest
Sporo valja se ritam čežnjivo gledam te ja
The rhythm is rolling slow,I look at you longingly
Da li srećan sam od tuge ili plačem što sreći je kraj?
Am I happy with grief or am I crying that happiness is over?
Ispod lampiona, u pitomo veče,
Under the lanterns, on a tame evening,
Ona izlazi iz carskih kočija
She gets out of the royal chariots
Pomamno se njiše, flertuje s grehom,
She sways seductively, flirts with sin,
Asfalt se topi od mekih koraka
Asphalt melts from soft footsteps
A ja se lomim na talasima noći
And I break on the waves of the night
Poražen na štitu vraćam se domu
Defeated on the shield, I return home
Ja sam sve ono što ne želim drugom
I am everything I don’t want to another
A ona uživa u tuđemu bolu
And she enjoys in someone else's pain
Marionette, Marionette