Translation of the song Moje vreme tek dolazi artist Kralj Edip
Moje vreme tek dolazi
My time is yet to come
Moje vreme tek dolazi
My time is yet to come
jer ja sam taj koji zna da voli
because I am the one who knows how to love
snegovi beli nestaće
the white snows will disappear
za mene dolazi proleće
spring is coming just for me
Ti koja ne znaš šta vernost je
You who do not know what fidelity is
pod noge bacaš sve godine
under your feet you throw all the years
u srcu ostaju tragovi
traces remain in the heart
od peska tvoji su gradovi
your cities are of sand
Nove nade u meni je plima
There is a tide of new hope in me
ja svoju srecu delim sa svima
I share my happiness with everyone
i sunce sjaće bez mene i tebe
and the sun will shining without you and me
ja svoju tugu čuvam samo za sebe
I keep the sadness for myself
Nove nade u meni je plima
There is a tide of new hope in me
ja svoju sreću delim sa svima
I share my happiness with everyone
i reke teku bez mene i tebe
and the rivers flow without you and me
ja svoju tugu čuvam samo za sebe
I keep my sadness for myself
Moje vreme tek dolazi
My time is yet to come
na krilima nove pesme
on the wings of a new song
neka leto ne prolazi
let the summer not to pass
ne želim više da osetim jesen
I don't want to feel anymore the fall