Translation of the song Pod hladnim zvezdama artist Kralj Edip
Pod hladnim zvezdama
Under the cold stars
Noć,pod hladnim zvezdama drhtali smo mi
At night, under the cold stars, we trembled
Kao da je bio prvi put
Like it was the first time
I tako nošeni snagom ljubavi
And so carried by the power of love
Zaboravili sve
Forget everything
Svet u kojem živimo je sačinjen od zla
The world we live in is made up of evil
Oholi su ljudi oko nas
The people around us are arrogant
I samo zajedno prebrodićemo sve
And only together will we get through it all
I biti jači nego pre
And be stronger than before
Noć,još jedna noć bez sna
Night, another night without sleep
Još jedan smrtni greh u sivom gradu očaja
Another mortal sin in the gray city of despair
Gde smo rođeni,gde započe naš beg
Where we were born, where our escape began
Što nikada ne prestaje
Which never stops
Milion zvezda noćas tamni i zauvek gubi sjaj
A million stars darken tonight and lose their luster forever
Milion zvezda noćas pada za nas
A million stars are falling for us tonight
I ako treba ti neko s kim možeš da deliš san
And if you need someone with whom you can share a dream
Milion zvezda daću tebi na dar
I'll give you a million stars as a gift
Noć,pod hladnim zvezdama drhtali smo mi
At night, under the cold stars, we trembled
Kao da je bio prvi put
Like it was the first time
I tako nošeni snagom ljubavi
And so carried by the power of love
Zaboravili sve
Forget everything