Translation of the song Poželi me artist Kralj Edip
Poželi me
Wish me
Poželi me, dok svi praznuju ovaj dan
Wish me,while everyone celebrates this day
dodirni me, svojim toplim nedrima
touch me, with your warm breast
Ceo svet kao da je lud,
The whole world seems crazy
ovaj svet mora da je umoran
this world must be tired
Poželi me, jer tako je malo vremena za sve
Wish me,because there is so little time for everything
Poželi me, razgoliti sve ove laži
Wish me,expose all these lies
umiri me, moje telo tvoje traži
calm me down,my body seeks yours
Ovde ima mesta za sve, ovde ima puno ljubavi
There are places here for everyone
Poželi me, i malo mi vremena ostavi za sve
There is a lot of love here
Poželi me, za ljubavlju tvojom umiru dani
Wish me,the days die for your love
i sakrij me, ti i ja ostajemo sami
and hide me, you and I are left alone
Mračna noć priziva sećanja, novi dan čuva tajne sve
dark night,evokes memories,a new day keeps all secrets
Ja želim te, ali treba mi malo vremena za sve
I want you,but I need little time for everything