Translation of the song U Tamnoj svetlosti grada artist Kralj Edip
U Tamnoj svetlosti grada
In the dark light of the city
Truli su dani, stari moj
The days are rotten,my old man
U devet su bulevari utonuli u večni san
At nine the boulevards sank into eternal sleep
Zavlače se u jazbine, kriju lica
They crawl into lairs,they hide their faces
Po neki teturavi pijanac i pas lutalica
By some staggering drunkard and straydog
Čine da ovu noć ne provedem sam
They make me not spend this night alone
Devojka bez morala stoji u uglu
A girl without morals stands in the corner
Grozničavo gleda kako joj izmiče plen
She watches feverishly as her prey escapes
Iz neke rupe čuje se svirka
From some hole you can hear playing
Galamu diže bez talenta bend
The noise rises without a talent band
Ovo je grad bez perspektive
This is a city without perspective
Ovo je grad duhova i smrada
This is a city of ghost and stench
Ovde sam nekada bio njen
Here i used to be hers
U tamnoj svetlosti grada
In the dark light of the city