Translation of the song Chissu durori artist Fabrizio Casu

Sardo-Corsican (Sassarese)

Chissu durori

English translation

That Sorrow

Sei sarradda abà in casa, no voi fabiddà.

Now you’re shut at home, you don’t want to speak.

Ti lu diggu da amiggu, ti vogliu aggiuddà:

I’m speaking to you as a friend, I want to help you:

lu voi dimintiggà ma vi pensi ancora

you want to forget him but you still think about.

Mamma toia chi pensa cosa v'abarà

Your mother thinks “what can it be?”

e ti vedi dibessa, no voi più magnà

and sees that you’re changed, you don’t want to eat anymore,

ma no pò cumprindì cosa v'è drentu a lu tò cori abà.

but she can’t realize what there is now inside your heart.

Chissu durori chi v'hai abà,lu tempu l'abarà a sanà

That sorrow that you feel now, the time will heal it,

no ti vò bè ma allora acchì vi pensi ancora?

he doesn’t love you, but then, why do you still think of him?

Chissu durori chi v'hai abà no ti lu poi dimintiggà

That sorrow that you feel now, you can’t forget it

sì abri lu cori un'asthru amori nasciarà.

but if you open your heart, another love will blossom.

Li parauri d'amori no poi ischanzillà

You can’t delete those love words

ma vinzi lu durori chi i lu cori v'ha

but the pain in your heart is stronger,

chissu bioddu chi v'hai fazi mari ancora;

the void that you feel still hurts;

lampazi chiss'ammenti dai, no vi pinsà

throw away those memories, come on, don’t think about,

no brusgià chistha vidda, debi cuntinuà.

don’t burn your life, you must keep on,

Da lu zeru un'isthella, la più bedda, pai te abarà a farà.

the most beautiful star will fall from the sky for you.

Chissu durori chi v'hai abà,lu tempu l'abarà a sanà

That sorrow that you feel now, the time will heal it,

no ti vò bè ma allora acchì vi pensi ancora

he doesn’t love you, but then, why do you still think of him?

chissu durori chi v'hai abà no ti lu poi dimintiggà

That sorrow that you feel now, you can’t forget it

sì abri lu cori un'asthru amori nasciarà.

but if you open your heart, another love will blossom.

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