Translation of the song Finza a iscì lu sori artist Fabrizio Casu

Sardo-Corsican (Sassarese)

Finza a iscì lu sori

English translation

Until the sun rises

Puru l’amori a volthi dibenta cruderi,

Sometimes even love becomes cruel,

cumenti un manzanu d’isthiu freddu e senza sori,

like a cold summer morning, without sun,

pari un jardhinu chi ha pessu li so beddi fiori

it looks like a garden that has lost its nice flowers,

undì no acciappi nemmancu un soru curori.

where you can’t find a single colour.

E’ feu gandu un tristhi sigretu no voi cunfidallu,

It’s bad when you don’t want to confide a sad secret,

torri a cridivi ma caggi i lu matessi imbagliu,

you believe again but you stumble in the same error:

femmini cun un disthinu di un durori mannu,

women who have a destiny made of great pain

e mammi morthi ammazzaddi da un amori maraddu.

and mothers dead, murdered by an insane love.



Femmina, torra a pignì, ma soru di firiziddai,

Woman, cry again, but only for happiness,

fai vidè chi poi cridì a una noba libalthai,

show that you can believe in a new freedom,

fara in piazza, fallu abà, fatti turrà a ripittà,

take to the streets, do it now, make yourself respected,

fatti fozza, no pinsà chi no poi più cuntinuà.

take courage, don’t think that you can’t go on anymore.

L’hai sempri juraddu tu, chi vurì isthà soru bè,

You always swore that you just want to be fine,

pena no prubanni più, pensa a la chi dazi a te,

don’t suffer anymore, think of what you’ve suffered,

fai turrà lu cori undì abarà torra a vurà

put your heart back where it will fly again

finza a iscì lu sori chi s’è isthudaddu tempu fà.

until the sun rises, which was put out time ago.

Candu l’amori a volthi dibenta cruderi

When sometimes love becomes cruel

poniri fini, fuggi e no dalli un padroni

put an end to it, run away and don’t give a master to it.

l’ommu chi amabi è chissu chi no t’ha mai amaddu,

The man you loved is the one who never loved you,

no ti miresci, no è zelthu lu chi abi sunniaddu.

he doesn’t deserve you, he isn’t the one you dreamed of.



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