Translation of the song Lu mondu a curori artist Fabrizio Casu

Sardo-Corsican (Sassarese)

Lu mondu a curori

English translation

The coloured world

Dimmi la viriddai, vurì ripusatti un poggu

Tell me the truth, you wanted to rest for a while

ma abà nò esagerà, tu m’intendi e ti fabeddu,

but now don't overdo it, you can hear me and I’m talking to you,

ti cunzedu casche dì, casche dì pa ripusatti bè

I'll give you a few days, a few days to rest well

ma nò debi abbuffunà, abri l’occi e sei cun me.

but please don’t joke, open your eyes, you are with me.

Dimmi la viriddai, m’intendi e fai finta di nudda

Tell me the truth, you can hear me and pretend you can’t

vogliu chi la sarri tu, chi l’hai abestha, la firidda.

I want you, who have opened this wound, to close it.

Debi torra camminà, pesaddinni da lu lettu!

You must walk again, get up from that bed!

Nò ti vogliu più sugnà, nò mi fà chisthu dipettu!

I don't want to dream about you anymore, don’t spite me like this!

Scedaddi! Fuggi da lu lamentu

Wake up! Escape from the lament

Scedaddi! Nò drummì i lu tuimentu

Wake up! Don’t sleep in your agony

Si mi vedi soggu affaccu a te,

If you can see me, I’m by your side,

nò t’aggiu abbandunaddu un mamentu.

I didn’t leave you even for a moment.

Scedaddi! Dai fini a un pinsamentu

Wake up! Put an end to the worry

Scedaddi da chissu sognu freddu

Wake up from that cold dream,

Vi pensu sempri, vi vogliu bè,

I always think of you, I love you,

soru in sognu chissa bozi intendu.

only in my dreams I hear that voice.

Veni in sognu e dimmi chi, dimmi chi nò sei suffrendi,

Come to me in a dream and tell me, tell me that you aren’t suffering,

surridimi, aischosthami e dimmi chi sei turrendi.

smile at me, listen to me, tell me that you are coming back.

Ti vogliu in foimma affaccu a me, cumenti t’aggiu cunisciddu.

I want you healthy by my side, just as I've always known you.

Pesadinni, nò abbaiddà chisthu mondu in biancu e nieddu.

Stand up, don’t look at this world in black and white.

Scedaddi! Fuggi da lu lamentu

Wake up! Escape from the lament

Scedaddi! Nò drummì i lu tuimentu

Wake up! Don’t sleep in your agony

Si mi vedi soggu affaccu a te,

If you can see me, I’m on your side,

nò t’aggiu abbandunaddu un mamentu.

I didn’t leave you even for a moment.

Scedaddi! Dai fini a un pinsamentu

Wake up! Put an end to the worry

Scedaddi da chissu sognu freddu

Wake up from that cold dream,

Vi pensu sempri, vi vogliu bè,

I always think of you, I love you,

soru in sognu chissa bozi intendu.

only in my dreams I hear that voice.

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