Translation of the song Nasciarà artist Fabrizio Casu

Sardo-Corsican (Sassarese)


English translation

He Will Be Born

Abarà una casa tutta soia,

He will have his own home,

li jogghi li più beddi v'abarà,

he will have the best toys,

li così più impusthanti di la vidda,

the most important things in life,

la mamma l'è aisittendi cun faddigga.

his mother is waiting hardly for him.

La primma camminadda aisettu sempri,

I’m always waiting to see his first steps,

candu mi ciamma babbu chi è ridendi,

for when he’ll call me daddy, laughing;

e cun chiss'occi poi cumprendarà

and then, with those eyes, he’ll understand

tuttu l'amori chi li vogliu dà.

all the love I want to give him.



E nasciarà da chisth'amori puriddu

And from this clean love,

vissuddu sempri cun la sinziriddai,

always lived sincerely,

cun tantu amori lù chi abemmu zischaddu

what we’ve desired will be born with love,

e l'occi beddi chi v'hai puru tu.

with eyes as beautiful as yours.

E abarà sempri un lettu fattu d'amori

And there’ll always be a bed made of love,

e affaccu a noi sì pò ischasdhì sempri in cori

and close to us he would always warm up his heart

puru sì nò abaremmu a drummì la notti,

regardless whether we won’t sleep at night,

ma gandu drommi z'abarà a sugnià.

but when he’ll be sleeping he will dream of us.

Abà priparu tuttu, dai chi andemmu,

Now I’ll set everything up, come on, let’s go,

nò veggu l'ora, juru, d'abbrazzallu,

I swear, I can’t wait to hug him,

nò trimurà, nò debì di timì,

don’t shiver, baby, you don’t need to fear,

amori, chisthu fiori fai arribì.

just make this flower come.

Eu pregu soru chi sia beddu e sanu,

I’m only praying that he’s beautiful and healthy,

chi in chistha vidda possia andà luntanu,

that he can succeed in this life,

fiori di casa, eri lu sogniu meu,

oh, flower of home, you were my dream

cun mamma toia ringraziemmu a Deu.

your mother and I are thanking God.



E nasciarà da chisth'amori puriddu

And from this clean love,

vissuddu sempri cun la sinziriddai,

always lived sincerely,

cun tantu amori lù chi abemmu zischaddu

what we’ve desired will be born with love,

e l'occi beddi chi v'hai puru tu.

with eyes as beautiful as yours.

E abarà sempri un lettu fattu d'amori

And there’ll always be a bed made of love,

e affaccu a noi sì pò ischasdhì sempri in cori

and close to us he would always warm up his heart

puru sì nò abaremmu a drummì la notti,

regardless whether we won’t sleep at night,

ma gandu drommi z'abarà a sugnià.

but when he’ll be sleeping he will dream of us.

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