Translation of the song Una Tristhi Viriddai artist Fabrizio Casu
Una Tristhi Viriddai
A Sad Truth
Vi isthoggu mari ugna sera
I feel bad every evening
e pensu acciaraddu abbaiddendi lu zeru,
and, watching the sky from my window, I think,
un nodu si femma in cori,
and a lump lingers in my heart,
farani torra dui lagrimi 'e dori.
two tears of grief slip down again.
Si è ischrittu i lu disthinu
If it was written in the fate
chi chissa dì Deu vi vuria vizinu,
that God wanted you beside him that day,
eddu m’ha d’aischusthà.
then he must listen to me.
Ma v’è ancora lu carori,
But there’s still that warmth,
seddi voi dui abbrazzaddi cun amori,
it’s you two, lovingly hugging,
nudda è più cumente sempri,
nothing is as it was always,
rimani un bioddu e milli sintimenti
a void remains, and a thousand sentiments
chi posthu drentu a me…
that I carry inside me…
Abà chi seddi vizinu, in mezzu a tutti li più beddi
Now that you are close together, amid all the most beautiful
isthelli chi vi so i lu zeru, di videvi sognu sempri,
stars that there are in the sky, I always dream of seeing you,
di turravi ad abbrazzà pa pudemmi d’aggiuddà
of embracing you again to help myself
e in chistha vidda cuntinuà.
and carry on in this life.
Imbrazzu a Deu seddi drummendi, mamma, babbu e li fradeddi,
You are sleeping in the arms of God, mom, dad and your brothers,
vibini di voi l’ammenti, di li mamenti più beddi.
the memories of you, of the most beautiful moments, are still living.
Lu cori no sana mai da una tristhi viriddai
The heart never heals from a sad truth
chi no azzettarani mai…
that will never be accepted…
Vi isthoggu mari isthasera,
I feel bad this evening,
isthrignu fosthi i li mani un durori,
I clench a pain in my hands,
dui parauri in un pabbiru ischribu
I write on a sheet of paper a few words
di voi pa pinsavvi vizinu.
about you to feel you close to me.
Vint’anni, dui beddi fiori
Twenty years, two beautiful flowers
i la vidda e in zeru liaddi d’amori
in life and in heaven bound by love
e abà ancora di più…
and now even more…
Abà chi seddi vizinu, in mezzu a tutti li più beddi
Now that you are close together, amid all the most beautiful
isthelli chi vi so i lu zeru, di videzi sognu sempri,
stars that there are in the sky, I always dream of seeing you,
di turravi ad abbrazzà pa pudemmi d’aggiuddà
of embracing you again to help myself
e in chistha vidda cuntinuà.
and carry on in this life.
Imbrazzu a Deu seddi drummendi, mamma, babbu e li fradeddi,
You are sleeping in the arms of God, mom, dad and your brothers,
vibini di voi l’ammenti, di li mamenti più beddi.
the memories of you, of the most beautiful moments, are still living.
Lu cori no sana mai da una tristhi viriddai
The heart never heals from a sad truth
chi no azzettarani mai…
that will never be accepted…