Translation of the song Ma Talabt Elbouad artist Balqees Fathi
Ma Talabt Elbouad
ماطلبت البعد عني وانا طعتك
I didn't ask you to stay away from me but I listened to you
وانت ماشي وتارك ايدي ومامنعتك
as you walk letting my hands go and I didn't stop you
ليه ماناديتك بلهفه تعال
why didn't I call you eagerly come on
جرب اسأل نفسك انت هالسؤال
try to ask yourself this question
إهتمامي قل من سبه برودك
my interest has become less because of your coldness
ياللي ماتعطيني إحساس بوجودك
O you who didn't make me feel that you're there
بس بقولك شي وهذا اناعشته
I just wanna tell something that I have been through
انت اسرع شخص يتغير عرفته
you're the fastest man to change I've ever known
مثل ماحبك وصل عند القمر
Just like your love arrived at moon
من انانيتك نزل مثل المطر
It came down like rain because of your selfishness
بتعب بروحي وأشقى انا راضي
I tire myself out , I suffer happily
بس عمري مايضيع بشئ فاضي
but I won't let my life get wasted over something trivial
إهتمامي قل من سبه برودك
my interest has become less because of your coldness
ياللي ماتعطيني إحساس بوجودك
O you who didn't give me a sense of your presence
بس بقولك شي وهذا اناعشته
I Just wanna tell you something that I have been through
انت اسرع شخص يتغير عرفته
you're the fastest person to change I've ever known