Translation of the song Ce mult e o zi artist Aurelian Andreescu
Ce mult e o zi
How much is a day
Ce mult e-o zi când eşti departe,
How much is a day when you're far away,
ce lung e drumul orelor
how long is the road of the hours
e-atât de lung,
that's so long
dar abia aştept
but I just can't wait
la capăt să-i ajung
to reach for the end...
Numai o zi cât ne desparte
Only a day as it tears us apart
mă face dorul să-nţeleg
makes understand the longing
că într-o zi, acum
that someday, now,
dorm de-un an întreg
I'm sleeping for a year
dorm de-un an întreg
I'm sleeping for a year
Din zori până-n pragul serii
From the morning till the evening's begining
îmi zboară cu dor orice gând
every thought is flying with longing
ca clipele revederii
as the moments of meeting you again
şi-ţi cânt
and I'm singing it to you
Ce mult e-o zi când eşti departe,
How much is a day when you're far away,
ce lung e drumul orelor
how long is the road of the hours
cu stele argintii
with silvery stars
te aştept să vii
I'm waiing for you to come
te aştept să vii...
I'm waiing for you to come
Din zori până-n pragul serii
From the morning till the evening's begining
îmi zboară cu dor orice gând
every thought is flying with longing
ca clipele revederii
as the moments of meeting you again
şi-ţi cânt
and I'm singing it to you
Ce mult e-o zi când eşti departe,
How much is a day when you're far away,
ce lung e drumul orelor
how long is the road of the hours
cu stele argintii
with silvery stars
te aştept să vii
I'm waiing for you to come
te aştept să vii...
I'm waiing for you to come