Translation of the song Dac-ai şti cât te iubesc artist Aurelian Andreescu
Dac-ai şti cât te iubesc
If You Would Know How Much I Love You
Noaptea m-a trădat şi mi te-a luat,
The night betrayed me and took you from me
Ca pe oricare stea,
Like any other star.
A trecut uşor, vântul călător,
It passed slowly the traveling wind,
Şi-am crezut ce spunea.
And I believed what he was saying.
Singur m-ai lăsat, gându-ndurerat.
You let me alone, the painful thought
Să-şi găsească rostul lui.
To find its sense.
Greu e să-ţi petreci, singur,
It’s hard to spend alone
Mersul drumului.
The walking of road.
Dac-ai şti cât te iubesc, într-o clipă ai veni,
If you would know how much I love you, in a moment you would come,
Zborul nu ţi l-ai opri, pâna m-ai găsi.
You would not stop your flight until you wouldn’t find me.
Dac-ai şti cât te iubesc, ţi-ar fi somnul liniştit,
If you would know how much I love you, your sleep would be quiet,
Fericit fiindcă iubesti, şi că eşti iubit.
Happy because you love and you are loved.
Oare unde eşti, zână din poveşti
I wonder where are you fairy of stories,
Parcă aştept să apari,
It’s like I’m waiting for you to show up,
Vremea a trecut şi nu am ştiut,
The time passed and I did not know,
Când la drum plecăm iar.
When we leave again on road.
Ochii mei au plâns, fiindcă te-au atins,
My eyes have wept because they touched you
Cu lumina lor de dor.
With their light of longing.
Oare pe ce drum, pasul tău e călător.
I wonder on what road your step is a traveler
Refren x2
Refrain x2
Dac-ai şti, dac-ai şti,
If you would know, if you would know,
Dac-ai şti cât te iubesc...
If you would know how much I love you …