Translation of the song Şi ploua... artist Aurelian Andreescu


Şi ploua...

English translation

And it rained...

De la zăpezi şi de la nori

From snow and clouds,

ştiu o poveste despre un băiat

I know a story of a boy

care cu un buchet de flori

that wandered the earth around

cutreiera pământu-n lung şi-n lat

with a bouquet of flowers.

Uita de orice anotimp,

Forgot of any season

de frig, de ploaie sau de cer senin

of coldness, rain or sunny skies

şi niciodată n-avea timp

and never had a little time

şi pentru fericirea lui puţin...

for his happiness...

Şi ploua...

And it rained...

Şi ploua...

And it rained...

Dar buchetu-i ajungea la timp oricui

but the bouquet was on time to anyone

Şi ploua...

And it rained...

Şi ploua...

And it rained...

Nu întârzia decât buchetul lui...

Only his bouquet was belated...

Dar într-o zi s-a întâmplat

But one day it happened

că de o fată s-a îndrăgosti

to fall in love with a girl

Cu un braţ de flori el a sunat

Rang at her door with an armful

la uşa ei, dar ea nu l-a primit

of flowers, but she didn't welcome him...

A amuzat-o-n prag nespus

She found very amusing

naivitatea lui cu ochelari

His naivete with glasses

iar după ce a râs, i-a spus

and after she laughed, she told him

că-i aminteşte visuri mult mai mari

that he reminds her of bigger dreams...

Şi ploua...

And it rained...

Şi ploua...

And it rained...

Dar buchetu-i ajungea la timp oricui

but the bouquet was on time to anyone

Şi ploua...

And it rained...

Şi ploua...

And it rained...

Nu întârzia decât buchetul lui...

Only his bouquet was belated...

El nici n-a plâns, nici n-a strigat,

He neither cried nor shouted,

n-a aruncat buchetul la pământ,

didn't throw his bouquet on the ground

ci doar puţin îngândurat

but just a little thoughtful

umbla pe străzi prin ploaie şi prin vânt

wandered the streets through rain and wind

Şi de atunci porneşte-ncet

And from then on, he slowly goes

spre casa mea, şi-a ta, şi-a tuturor

to my house and yours and everyone's

purtând mereu un alt buchet

always bearing another bouquet

şi-o floare-n care-a pus întregul dor

and a flower in which he put his whole longing...

Şi ploua...

And it rained...

Şi ploua...

And it rained...

Dar buchetu-i ajungea la timp oricui

but the bouquet was on time to anyone

Şi ploua...

And it rained...

Şi ploua...

And it rained...

Nu întârzia decât buchetul lui...

Only his bouquet was belated...

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